Questions about game mechanics

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:22 pm

I have several questions about different game mechanics. Please answer as many as you can :D

1. Does the atronauch perk reduce damage taken or just add to your magic count? This doesn't seem to work against dragons - I assume because shouts don't consume magic?
since the shout...?)

2. The magic resistance perk - does that block damage from spells or affect the chance of a spell like paralyze landing? Does it work against dragons ?(

3. Do the magic cost reduction perks not affect dual cast spells? It seems that a dual cast spell costs more than the same spell cast twice.

4. Do two potions with affects that, say, increase smithing stack? Is there a cap if they do work together? How does the +smithing work? Does it just make it so you can do a higher level of smithing - exquisite to legendary or whatever? Or does it actually increase the number independently of the quality?

5. How many hits does a poison last on your weapon with no perks?

6. What specifically is the difference between a regular bash and a power bash aside from holding the button longer to execute it?

Thanks again.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:25 pm

I have several questions about different game mechanics. Please answer as many as you can :D

1. Does the atronauch perk reduce damage taken or just add to your magic count? This doesn't seem to work against dragons - I assume because shouts don't consume magic?
since the shout...?)

2. The magic resistance perk - does that block damage from spells or affect the chance of a spell like paralyze landing? Does it work against dragons ?(

3. Do the magic cost reduction perks not affect dual cast spells? It seems that a dual cast spell costs more than the same spell cast twice.

4. Do two potions with affects that, say, increase smithing stack? Is there a cap if they do work together? How does the +smithing work? Does it just make it so you can do a higher level of smithing - exquisite to legendary or whatever? Or does it actually increase the number independently of the quality?

5. How many hits does a poison last on your weapon with no perks?

6. What specifically is the difference between a regular bash and a power bash aside from holding the button longer to execute it?

Thanks again.

1- not sure about this either, I think its a 30% chance to all the spell dmg to be drained to your mana bar, so 1 every 3-4 spells that hit you, have no effect or damage and fill your mana? not sure if its the casei n skyrim

2- tooltip is confusing by I think its incremental resistance, as in damage mitigation and duration reduction of stuff that hits you, also needs confirming

3- yes they do, problem is dual casting has a 2.4 mana cost multiplier for a 2.2 damage multiplier, it basicaly turns your spells a litle stronger, by costing alot more mana, so oonly use it on downranked spells (cheap ones) this needs a tweak imo =<

4- same effect potions do not stack but effects from a potion stack with another source (like enchant) that have the same effect, and no, +smithing enchants/pots dont allow you to make diffrent armor as those come only with perks, they are used to upgrade armors/weapons to higher qualities

5- 1 hit innit? I admit I never look at my inventory to check if the poison is still there after hiting a mob tho :o but I think its 1 hit base, with the perk 2 hits.

6- a power bash applies more force to the target, there are 3 effects that I have observed after a bash or power bash, one is a minor stagger, the other is normal stagger and the last throws your oponent back/down/on his knees, the ffect that you get depends on how strong the bash is oposed to how strong the enemy is.
a simple bash is weak, and only stagger weaker mobs, a power bash can stagger stronger enemies such as dragons and thow down weaker ones.
it also chains into other perks, like more damage (wich is high), and a disarm.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:19 pm

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jenny goodwin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:21 am

I have several questions about different game mechanics. Please answer as many as you can :D

1. Does the atronauch perk reduce damage taken or just add to your magic count? This doesn't seem to work against dragons - I assume because shouts don't consume magic?
since the shout...?)

2. The magic resistance perk - does that block damage from spells or affect the chance of a spell like paralyze landing? Does it work against dragons ?(

3. Do the magic cost reduction perks not affect dual cast spells? It seems that a dual cast spell costs more than the same spell cast twice.

4. Do two potions with affects that, say, increase smithing stack? Is there a cap if they do work together? How does the +smithing work? Does it just make it so you can do a higher level of smithing - exquisite to legendary or whatever? Or does it actually increase the number independently of the quality?

5. How many hits does a poison last on your weapon with no perks?

6. What specifically is the difference between a regular bash and a power bash aside from holding the button longer to execute it?

Thanks again.

1. Atronach gives 30% spell absorption, not to be confused with resistance. Resistance reduces damage from spells. Absorption gives a chance to fully absorb it. If a spell is absorbed you take no damage from it and gain Magicka. The % shown for absorption is the chance to fully absorb a spell. Think of it as a chance to "dodge" a spell and upon a successful "dodge" you gain Magicka.

Dragon Shouts are not spell based and cannot be absorbed. Damage over time inflicted by them however can be absorbed.

2. Resistance generally only works in ways of spell damage, spell absorption however can reduce the chance of spells like Paralyze from hitting you. The exact mechanic of spell resistance is that it reduces magnitude, for Destruction spells this is damage. Many spells in Skyrim do not have a magnitude value at all.

3. They do reduce the cost. However the base cost for Dual Casting is so high to begin with. Dual Casting costs 240% that of a single cast (and thus 20% more than a casting twice) for 20% more magnitude (10% more than casting twice).

4. From what I can tell the strongest potion will override the weakest. So if you drink a +30 Smithing then a +50 Smithing you will only have +50 Smithing.

5. Just one.
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