My level 60 Redguard Battlemaster carries around a legendary quality Daedric Sword, enchanted with Life Drain and Frost Dmg that I aptly named "Bloodfrost", a 2-H Daedric Greatsword (legendary quality) enchanted with Frost & Fire dmg that I just had to name "Song of Ice & Fire" :tops: Yeah, real original. The shield that I have stacked with magic resist named 'Distorted Reality' I just love coming up with awesome names for my gear.
Also my newly created Dark Elf rogue, Daimon Blackmyst, who is strictly a thief/assassin rather than my first character with excels at pretty much everything, likes to do his work with a little Elven Dagger (only level 16 atm) enchanted with paralysis, dubbed ''Blade of Atonement' and a sneak enchanted ring named "Eye of Sithis"
I really like that name for my dagger so I'll probably keep it for whatever dagger I end up with later.