I may be wrong, but I feel like my armor rating is absurdly low. I am a level 26, I use light armor (which may be part of the problem) with the best pieces of armor I have found so far which is mostly elven or scaled light armor. My light armor skill is 58, that is with an enchantment improving it, but that is what it is at. Against most strong opponents, I tend to die from 2, 3 or 4 strikes.
However, my total light armor rating is 96!
Meanwhile, my friends say they get their total armor rating into the mid 300's with heavy armor. (Adept difficulty)
I feel like my rating shouldn't be so low, even using light armor. I am playing on expert level, if that changes anything.
Am i doing something wrong? Is there some catch to armor that I'm missing? Should I switch to heavy armor if I am using a mostly melee oriented character (Imperial)?
it is rather low armor, your light armor isnt that low but is your armor upgraded? is smithing skill low? is it perked? do you use a shield? what kind of character buildup/playstyle you using?
believe it or not armor ratedi s only important if your buildup/playstyle takes you to melee, and if so I heartily recommend you use a shield (even if you dont perk it) and level smithing and perk it so you can keep up with new armor and upgrades.
if you dont use a shield you must practice your hit and run maneuvers very well but on mster.. even pors get pasted often.
and if your character isnt melee at all, then you should relly on either sneak or magic for main defence and you need not worry about it so much, but do avoid meleeing stuff that is going to hit you back.
heavy armor has an advantage, big advantage, early in the game, but stick with it, in almost all cases ,light armor is better than heavy armor in the long run, less useless perks, less perks overall to max out, better bonuses etc.
both armors easily hit armor cap, tho again its very important if you use light armor to get smithing perked to keep armor updated and upgraded, and shield blocking is very strong even in light armor.