Possible quest glitch: An Enchanted Journey

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:24 pm

Quest location: The College of Winterhold
Quest giver: Sergius the Enchanter
Quest name: An Enchanted Journey

Sergius has asked me to pick up an item that needs to be enchanted. He has asked me to visit Dorian in Solitude to pick up the item, however when I reach Dorian he is on a boat, the Red Wave, docked outside of Solitude and will not talk to me. He, as well as his shipmates, tell me I shouldn't be there. I believe this quest is bugged. Has anyone else experienced this? From the way the quest is written in the guide it appears Sergius could send you to a random person so it may not always be Dorian?

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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:22 am

Have you tried waiting and asking again? Going hour by hour?

That hasn't happened to me, but I'm afraid you might be stuck. :(
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:02 am

Yes, I have tried going back over and over , hour by hour. He never leaves the boat and they don't like me there.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:44 pm

I've had the exact same problem with the exact same quest. I've tried reloading a save, coming back at different times of the day, etc. I've even punched him and then run outside, hoping that if I just got him outside of the boat I could Calm him and we could talk, but he never followed me outside...it just got me arrested and fined. Luckily it's not a central quest, so I guess if it's bugged I'll live, but I'd like to finish it; right now it's sitting at the top of my Miscellaneous quest list mocking me. Currently I'm just going about my business doing other things, and hoping that with enough saves and enough progress maybe he'll become unstuck. If anyone knows how to speed this along, though, I'm all ears.
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