My thoughts on 1.9 and DX11

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:14 pm

I am really liking the game now. The DX11 is AMAZING, as well as the little things such as POM and better textures.

But because of this there are some VERY noticeable optimization issues with Crysis 2 now. For example some REALLY intense parts like on the Dock mission my Radeon 6990 drops to 20%! when there are 5 enemies on screen and TONS of action going on. This is a clear optimization issue and should be addressed on AMD side as well as Cryteks side. As soon as they fix this i will be promoting this game like nothing else.

Im not bashing Crytek in any way because it is still early and this is expected. But dont take this to lightly Crytek, i was already pretty upset with you because of the games release in general, i am willing to give you guys a second chance because you guys really delivered with 1.9. Now fix the optimization and lets get some CRYSIS 2 GOING!
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Janine Rose
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:52 pm

Here are my rig specs:

AMD 965 4.01ghz
Radeon 6990, 1000 core, 1400 memory; under water
8gb Corsair xms3 1600mhz
Corsshair formula 3 mobo
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Becky Palmer
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