» Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:37 am
You cannot use maldo's textures with version 1.9. You MUST use version 1.1, Crytek disabled any mod functionality due to cheaters.
If you would've read maldo's guide on his blog, he mentions that explicitly, and also very clearly states how to install his mod. It's really not hard at all. Just read carefully.
It does not clearly say will not work on 1.9 in fact he gives instuctions on how to install on 1.9. and the instructions were not very clear on installing on 1.9.
Fail. You completely misunderstood why he provided instructions for v1.9. He said no versions past 1.1 (perhaps 1.2) will work with this mod, and then gives you a guide in how to revert your Crysis 2 version to 1.1 from any version, the thing is once you do that, you can't normally update Crysis 2 anymore, hence he provides instructions on how to revert the changes, to properly allow patching to 1.9. It's purely informational, and in no way was it referencing how to get his mod working on 1.9.
Read it again, then read it five more times.