I do not really care for smithing, So I was wondering...once I reach higher levels will I have trouble staying alive? I used light armor and my offense is archery and one hand plus shield.
it helps ALOT, for the majority of the game you will be dependable mostly on what you can craft and upgrade for your strengh.
I only play on master and personally I wouldnt play an archer or melee buildup without perking or at least leveling smithing, your armor wont mitigate nearly as much dmg nor will your weapon do as much dmg without doing so, and relying on loot for item type changes... is just not realible.
this not to mention you HAVE to perk at least a few points into it in order to upgrade enchanted armor.
you can get away with a heavy sneak archer build, but for that thers no point in armor or block or melee for that matter, glass cannon gameplay is advised there, with some pots to makeup for the lack of perks to upgrade your bow.