90 hours in... a few observations (contains spoilers!)

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:24 am

Posted this in the mods section first, thought it was worthy a post here too -

After 90 hours of gaming, I have a made several observations -

Thieves Guild / thievery in general

Most of the main thieves guild quests were very entertaining. However, the generic burglaries and ledger tweaks, etc after completing the main quest are incredibly tiresome/repetitive. The main reason being that it's ridiculously easy to steal things. For example, you're asked to retrieve an item from a shop keeper. So you walk into the store and head straight behind the counter and the shopkeeper has nothing to say. You wander upstairs into his bedroom and once again, he has nothing to say. This makes thievery incredible easy.

Could it be possible to add a feature that prevents you from wandering around shopkeepers'/private houses unless you're in sneak mode? Fair enough you can approach counters, but to actually just wander behind the counter? Wouldn't happen in real life and as such ruins immersion. Perhaps adding a 'knock' feature also if you want to visit somebody's private house. Again, if you're in sneak mode, you can lockpick your way in.

Dark Brotherhood / murder in general

Again, the main quests were great. But now after completing the main quests, the night mother is sending me out to murder generic NPCs in Solitude. The two I've murdered so far have both been wandering around the same bit of Solitude, both barking the same nonsense prior to assassination. Again, couldn't there be a more interesting way of handling this? For example, sticking them in hard to reach caves or something?

And as for murder in general, I find it absolutely absurd that I can murder the Emperor's cousin - publicly - and then casually approach a guard and pay off my bounty. How about having to mask your face prior to murders so that you can then attempt to escape the town - then for example, you have to stay away from that town for a minimum of 7 days whilst things cool off - I doubt even the thieves guild can pay to arrange a jarl/guard to look the other way instead of arrested somebody who has just murdered the Emperor's cousin. And if you ARE accosted by a guard, you go to jail and serve a sentence - paying off a bounty is just ridiculous. Again, it ruins immersion.

Being head of a guild

There's definitely an opportunity here to create sort of guildmaster mod. Though the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary has been restored, and Thieves Guild is again what it once was, the 2 guilds are now completely void of 'life'. There's nothing happening. It would be great to add some much-needed spice to these places. New quests, new interactions, new members coming and going, etc... Perhaps even a merger where you get to group together all the guilds you are a master of.

Unbalanced Enemies

A typical tough enemy to encounter at level 47 for me is a Draugr Deathlord or Draugr Deathlord master (or several at once). Ancient Dragons are a challenge too. Then, I wander into a Forsworn village (bearing in mind I befriended their king a while back in Markarth) and encounter a Forsworn Briarheart - apart from the skull helmet, he's in rags - and he kills me in one hit. One hit! Two if my shield is up. Had similar problems facing Fire Mages. Very strange indeed.

Any way to balance this more efficiently?

Quest Markers

I realise this has been mentioned already by other users, but would it be possible to add 'directions' to NPC dialogue for the NPCs that just give a vague description of where to head? I realise there would be no voice acting for this dialogue but at least we could get rid of the quest markers without issue.

Respawning - Alftland

This is probably just a bug but I thought I'd mention it anyway. After clearing out Alftland, I realised I had missed a few areas, so I went back about a day later to find that every single Falmer had respawned - the same types in the same positions - and all the gates I'd unlocked had been locked again, along with all the chests I'd looted - which of course were once again full of loot.

About Paarthurnax...

This - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1294631-about-paarthurnax-spoilers/

Better third person view

Any way to edit how we view our characters? I for one used to love observing my characters in past games, what's the point of all the fancy gear if you can only view it awkwardly from a variety of annoying angles.

And that's about it for now...

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:07 am

Respawning is neccessary for the radiant quest system.

I've literally just been playing. Got a generic radiant quest (bounty from an Inn) to clear out some cave. Did it and got the 100 gold reward. Then I went on the Companions quest line. Got another generic radiant quest.. to clear out the same cave I just did. Got there and the quest marker was pointing on the same leader who was still dead and thus the Companions quest line became broken for me so I had to use the developer console to fix it.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:04 pm

If you have to put that your post contains spoilers in the title, then it belongs in the conveniently located spoiler forum, not general. I have moved it for you.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:55 pm

I have not done the dark brotherhood quests, so I don't know anything about murder missions. But I agree with you on the thief missions. It's so damn easy and immersion breaking. People don't seem to mind you walking around in thier homes, except when it's night. You don't really need the sneak skill to steal stuff. Just enter a room alone and steal away. The whole thing about being a thief is kinda dissapointing actually. There isn't really anything cool or unique to steal in peoples homes. When I created my thief I was thinking about all crazy stuff he would do. I was dreaming about sneaking into the castle in Solitude to steal weapons, armours, and valuables from the nobilty. But the thing is, not even those guys mind. Even if they don't know you. "Go ahead, enter the Jarls bedroom at night. He won't mind one bit!"

It seems the whole thief thing has been a downgrade from Oblivion :(
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