» Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:31 am
Going dungeon diving for loot? The only worse idea is mining for ore and smithing that for money.
I am of the opinion that by far the fastest way to bring in money is smithing iron daggers with purchased iron ingots, and enchanting those with Banish or Paralyze (or, even better, both) with purchased soul gems.
While you are at it, also make sure to buy up all the ingredients you can find and turn them into expensive potions. Slow, Invisibility, Regenerate whatever and Fortify Carry Weight (???) for some reason make excellent candidates.
Oh, and make sure to do the Thieves Guild quest line first. It will unlock fences who have 4k gold holdings and buy anything from you. Turns Windhelm into my favourite city by far, with all the vendors and the fence in close proximity. Markath and Solitude aren't too bad either.
Edit: P.S. - Don't perk Speech, if possible. I might also stay away from perking Smithing, depending on your play style. Speech will not help you in the lategame, and Smithing is not needed IF you are a heavy-armour or no-armour spellcaster.