Does anyone know exactly how this works? I know that it causes lingering damage after you hit, but how much damage does it do, how long does it last, and most importantly, is it worth it?
According to the prima guide, it does 1-3 damage for 6 seconds or so, which seems like it's totally useless once you get to higher levels, which is a shame, since the idea is a great one.
I actually found that. It would kinda stink if it gave as much bleeding damage as any axe ever could, y'know?
If it isn't already that way, it really should give either A: a percentage of your damage, again, or B: A small amount of damage that only goes away after 15 minutes or so. So even if your main attacks are doing practically nothing, you could stack the tiny cuts until your enemy just bleeds out! ^_^
I actually found that. It would kinda stink if it gave as much bleeding damage as any axe ever could, y'know?
If it isn't already that way, it really should give either A: a percentage of your damage, again, or B: A small amount of damage that only goes away after 15 minutes or so. So even if your main attacks are doing practically nothing, you could stack the tiny cuts until your enemy just bleeds out! ^_^
sooo...death of a tousand cuts? i love that trope, so that would be the best possible thing it could be imo :happy: