» Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:43 am
I agree, the random spawns are pretty lame after awhile, you can almost predict when you will see one. Let's see, if I fast travel 3 times from here to here, BAM a dragon! lol Okay, so one time I was totally surprised by one; which was actually funny as hell. I was at the college in Winterhold, I walked outside and no one was around. I stepped out into the open area where the statue was to see why it was so quiet, then BOOM this dragon just plops down from nowhere, right in my face. Ha ha I literally jumped out of my seat. I see funny things like this happen all the time though, bad scripting. Like who else is tired of the random thief that runs up to you to hold onto his stolen item for him, with the hunter chasing him 10 feet away, even if you pretend to hide the item for the guy, the hunter see's the guy and kills him every time. This whole scenario makes no sense what so ever, is it suppose to be comic relief?