» Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:32 am
There was a discussion about this in gamefaqs http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/61139818
Last one I'll note, is everyone's favorite Khajiit mage, J'zargo. He is without a shadow of a doubt the best Destruction mage in the game. His level caps at an unreachable 34,464, which essentially means he'll continue to level with you post 50. However I took his stats at level 50:
Health - 458
Magicka - 325
Stamina - 132
Alteration - 15
Conjuration - 15
Destruction - 100
Enchanting - 15
Illusion - 100
Restoration - 60
Archery - 20
Block - 15
Heavy Armor - 96
One-handed - 100
Smithing - 15
Two Handed - 15
Alchemy - 20
Light Armor - 15
Lockpicking - 20
Pickpocket - 20
Sneak - 25
Speech - 15