I go kill the dragon (first 1 outside Whiterun), with the help of the guards/jarls chic/faendel (Faendel was my follower) and come back and talk to the Jarl and he made me Thane. I had no house at this point.
I was like yay, and didn't notice that I was supposed to get a Lydia. She did not show up in dragonsreach (near the door) or anywhere I could see. I have since looked everywhere, even bought the house and looked there, still no Lydia.
Problem is, I didn't know about Lydia until I was like lvl 14 (was reading these forums), and I have saved over my save files that I had from lvl 12.
Is there a console cheat to spawn her into the game, or do I have to start a new character to get her?