Questless Skyrim

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:20 am

HI all,

Sorry if this has been discussed before but I was wondering if anyone has played Skyrim without doing any of the quests and what the repercussions are?

Without giving any spoilers, obviosuly some unique items are awarded through quests but as I discovered through progression, you may find more powerful non-levelled items in random loot.

No, you won't be able to buy a house (though you may make do with a few free locations that have non spawning chests), you can't get married, become a werewolf etc.

I don't exaclty know why but after 100 hours of play I'm really bored with the railroading quests - most of what I enjoyed from those hours were the exploring by myself, avoiding civilization and long winded conversations and just roaming free, finding loot, levelling up and slaying monsters. Shallow I know, but that's how I role baby.

So do you think it possible to play questless Skyrim and what would be the repurcussions?

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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:35 am

Hmm.. I will try it, see how far I get. Level 50 kicking ass and not a single quest taken? Worth a shot....
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:32 am

Go for it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:56 am

The main repercussion I can think of would be that some dungeons would be locked. Other than that, just the stuff you listed. It might be fun--although, for the record, you wouldn't be able to get out of the starting area without completing the first portion of the main quest. I assume this wouldn't be an issue though :wink_smile:
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:49 am

The main repercussion I can think of would be that some dungeons would be locked.

Ah yeah.. That's a big one! I could use a cheat and get every key in the game but that's a little lame. Hmm.. I could play it straight, no key cheats, and see how many dungeons I can't access. By memory there would only be a few - though there is an important place, as I recall, that does require a key.

for the record, you wouldn't be able to get out of the starting area without completing the first portion of the main quest.

Correct, the only quest I will complete is the first one "unbound". Oh, what a challenge to make it to level 50 only completing the first quest!

I'm getting a little excited about playing again folks! (God knows, I'm gonna hit a brick wall at some stage...)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:09 am

You'd miss out on some quest rewards, and like another said, some locations will be locked out to you.

It was pretty much how I played the first several hours of Skyrim.

But unless some related NPCs get killed who aren't tagged as essential, just about every quest will just simply be "waiting" for you to start them.

It's kind of more fun to just see what you can find, maybe something points you to another place along the way.
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carley moss
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:57 pm

I agree. Come to think of it I may have a few more challenges. As I recall, the guards at Whiterun won't let you in unless you have completed the small Helgen quest. Damn! I'd love to sneak in and steal everyones stuff... I wonder if there is a secret way into Whiterun.

All major cities might be like this come to think of it. That means minimal buying and selling, few health potions, lockpicks etc...

Let the Great Questless Skyrim Challenge begin!!!
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kirsty williams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:10 am

You can get into Whiterun without even going to Riverwood. You just need to convince the guard to let you in. I don't know if it finishes the second quest though because it sends you straight to the jarl
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:01 am

the problem with this is that people in skyrim will rarely have a conversation with you unless they are trading with you or are involved in a quest
this is really my only major problem with skyrim-in oblivion at the very least you could ask about rumors
so basically dont expect anyone to actually talk to you
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:41 am

HI all,

Sorry if this has been discussed before but I was wondering if anyone has played Skyrim without doing any of the quests and what the repercussions are?

Without giving any spoilers, obviosuly some unique items are awarded through quests but as I discovered through progression, you may find more powerful non-levelled items in random loot.

No, you won't be able to buy a house (though you may make do with a few free locations that have non spawning chests), you can't get married, become a werewolf etc.

I don't exaclty know why but after 100 hours of play I'm really bored with the railroading quests - most of what I enjoyed from those hours were the exploring by myself, avoiding civilization and long winded conversations and just roaming free, finding loot, levelling up and slaying monsters. Shallow I know, but that's how I role baby.

So do you think it possible to play questless Skyrim and what would be the repurcussions?


I have 2 games going right now 1 at home and 1 at work (Firefighter, lots of down time). And the one at work I'm playing just like this. I've avoided all the games main story line (aka I haven't returned the dragon stone). And I thin the games way better this way.

1. no dragons any where !
2. you can still buy homes
3. I've yet to see lagg on this game (ps3 15 mb save, level 43)
4. shouts are unless, But I have almost all of them
5. I've yet to run in to quest non-completion glitches, although my home game is now just about unplayble due to a handfull of quests I cant complete that are stopping me from doing other quests !
6. You can go around/though 95% of world
10. the chects by the shouts still has great stuff in it (but does NOT refill if you start the main quest.)
11. Guild missions still work fine.
12. shrines & quests still work fine.

Over all I like the game alot better this way, then when I then I've got the main quest going. Again for 1 thing this way I have no lag... and no dragons, which I find to be lacking in everything (there AI, skills, lack multi shouts, yea I all svck big time (IMHO)). I recommend trying it !
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:08 am

That would be like me playing GTA 4. With the ultra linear quests, my current play is like Just Cause 2. I love JC2 but I was expecting something different from Skyrim.
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Ian White
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:13 am

I haven't tried skipping quests altogether yet, but what I have tried is not doing the main quest at all. Like Nomad said, it is a nice break not to have any dragons to bother you. I don't do any of the guild quests either, just small side quests where you find people by the side of the road and you help them out.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:31 am

mainly lack of story.

I'd suggest completing the main quest line to unlock exclusive stuff it has then ignoring the rest to do this. You can get everything else on your own anyway.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:39 am

Beware of random NPC runs to you and force you to take up the quest!
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Kim Kay
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:17 am

You can get into Whiterun without even going to Riverwood. You just need to convince the guard to let you in.

Thanks. I'll try it. Actually a Khajiit trader sets up camp outside Whiterun at some stage - I hope this happens, I can at least trade with him..

the problem with this is that people in skyrim will rarely have a conversation with you

Yes! That is exactly what I want! I'm going to TAB (PC) out of conversations as soon as they lock me into one.

you can still buy homes

No, I believe you have to earn respect, become a thane, before houses are offered. I'm not talking about just avoiding the main quest I'm talking about avoiding all quests! Every single one except the tutorial "Unbound".

shouts are unless, But I have almost all of them

Yes, I was wondering about that. I recall the monks teaching me. Ah well, no shouts for me then!

I'd suggest completing the main quest line to unlock exclusive stuff it has then ignoring the rest to do this. You can get everything else on your own anyway.

Nup, not gonna happen. Completely Questless Skyrim beckons....
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:00 am

I've avoided all the games main story line (aka I haven't returned the dragon stone). And I thin the games way better this way.

1. no dragons any where !
2. you can still buy homes
3. I've yet to see lagg on this game (ps3 15 mb save, level 43)
4. shouts are unless, But I have almost all of them
5. I've yet to run in to quest non-completion glitches, although my home game is now just about unplayble due to a handfull of quests I cant complete that are stopping me from doing other quests !
6. You can go around/though 95% of world
10. the chects by the shouts still has great stuff in it (but does NOT refill if you start the main quest.)
11. Guild missions still work fine.
12. shrines & quests still work fine.

Sounds like my game. Level 21 Bosmer hunter/alchemist/explorer. I'm having a blast. I also have a Level 16 Nord character for the main quest, but have been ignoring him for a few days.
I can't say that I don't do any quests, but so far haven't done any factions or guilds only smaller local quests....and for the house in Markath...
I just love exploring and hunting and raiding the occasional bandits den, and the other trouble you run into on and off the road.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:43 am

I just do the interesting quests - factions, imperial/stormcloak, main quest chain, Daedric quests, etc. I avoid all the boring, measly filler quests.
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