HI all,
Sorry if this has been discussed before but I was wondering if anyone has played Skyrim without doing any of the quests and what the repercussions are?
Without giving any spoilers, obviosuly some unique items are awarded through quests but as I discovered through progression, you may find more powerful non-levelled items in random loot.
No, you won't be able to buy a house (though you may make do with a few free locations that have non spawning chests), you can't get married, become a werewolf etc.
I don't exaclty know why but after 100 hours of play I'm really bored with the railroading quests - most of what I enjoyed from those hours were the exploring by myself, avoiding civilization and long winded conversations and just roaming free, finding loot, levelling up and slaying monsters. Shallow I know, but that's how I role baby.
So do you think it possible to play questless Skyrim and what would be the repurcussions?
I have 2 games going right now 1 at home and 1 at work (Firefighter, lots of down time). And the one at work I'm playing just like this. I've avoided all the games main story line (aka I haven't returned the dragon stone). And I thin the games way better this way.
1. no dragons any where !
2. you can still buy homes
3. I've yet to see lagg on this game (ps3 15 mb save, level 43)
4. shouts are unless, But I have almost all of them
5. I've yet to run in to quest non-completion glitches, although my home game is now just about unplayble due to a handfull of quests I cant complete that are stopping me from doing other quests !
6. You can go around/though 95% of world
10. the chects by the shouts still has great stuff in it (but does NOT refill if you start the main quest.)
11. Guild missions still work fine.
12. shrines & quests still work fine.
Over all I like the game alot better this way, then when I then I've got the main quest going. Again for 1 thing this way I have no lag... and no dragons, which I find to be lacking in everything (there AI, skills, lack multi shouts, yea I all svck big time (IMHO)). I recommend trying it !