DX11 problem: Only 30hz refresh rate in 1080p

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:38 am

Okay, here is another problem with the DX11 that occurs on many systems with 1080p resolution:

Activating the DX11 renderer with a 1080p resolution causes the game to lock the refresh rate at 30hz (24hz for TVs). Vsync locks the frames per second at 24/30 even if your monitor is able to refresh at 60hz or even 120hz. Deactivating vsync allows for more frames per second but refresh rate still remains at 24hz/30hz since some users suffer from heavy tearing while playing above 30fps. You can decide wether you wan't to play with laggy 30fps (vsync =on) or 30fps and tearing (vsync = off). That svcks.

Does anyone know a solution?
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:35 am

Here's my fix:

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Brandon Wilson
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