Most Annoying NPCs

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:56 pm

A few things that are really irritating and have ended up in the death of NPCs throughout my playthrough

There's a nip in the air, it won't be goo -dead-

I may not be the best black smith in whi... -dead-

I used to be one of the best soldiers in skyrim, until I took an arrow to the k... -dead-

These lines come from some of the most annoying NPCs in the game, at least in my opinion.

Unfortunately the third is quite common.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:29 am

Really every NPC is annoying. They assume just because I'm standing near them that I want to talk and continually say "hm?" "what is it?" "Is there something I can do?" "out with it." "Yes?".

I feel like screaming "SHUT UP!!!" In their face..

Edit : Oh, and don't forget the staring. If they decide they want to not talk to me they will just have a blank stare on their face like they have never seen a Khajiit before...
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