Just another whine thread

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:31 pm

I noticed (only 1 day after the patch)Tons of Cheaters out there. Does Crytek even try to avoid cheating? I played on 5 servers today and had to leave all of them cause of cheaters (still people not able to press F1 for votekick lies beyond my understanding). Then I got tired of playing (aka farmed by the cheaters) At least it seems that the votekick-feature can now not be manipulated (applause Crytek..... irony off).
Anyone else noticed or was it (again) bad luck on my side.
Besides that everything looks to f...... dark now after the patch I really had great hopes that Crytek did something good here, but my performance (I do not have a DX 11 card and therefore do not use DX11) drops when something happens on the screen so dramasticly I feel like I play on my old 9700 ATI . I had around 60 fps before patch.
For all you fanboys out there: I really like the game (especially the multiplayer), but (sponsored by NVIDIA) patch is, in my opinion .. and I know you fanboys don't care, a fail.
Just my 2 cents
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