i lol'd both times I read this. Why? Dunno. And Gunny, I knew I could count on you. Maybe the Marines aren't so bad after all (said the squid to the jarhead)
anyway, brass tacks and all that: SOrry I should have been more specific. My idea is to 1) Have Heavy Handed to increase general melee damage for "everyday" use, that is, situations where I'm just running around the Mojave and not sneaking around; and 2) Take whatever perks I can that will get me as close as possible to either nullifying (or breaking) the crit damage penalty which by my off the cuff research on the wiki looks like Ninja (during sneak crits) and Better Criticals (for both Sneak crits and all others)
with my public-school-math-skills I'm reading on the wiki that Heavy Handed lowers crit damage by 60% and Better Criticals increases crit damage by 50% leaving me at a 10% crit penalty assuming ofcourse that any of this is additive and not multiplicative. Conveniently the police baton does 10 damage and 10 critical damage, making it nice and even for calculation. BD = Base Damage, CD = Critical Damage, Sneak Attack Critical = SAC, BC = Better Criticals, HH = Heavy Handed, NJ = Ninja
w/o HH: 10 BD + 10 CD = 20. BD + SAC = 30 . BD + BC = 25 . BD + BCSAC = 40. BD + (BCSAC+NJ) = 47.5
w/ HH: 12 BD + 4 CD = 16. BD + SAC = 20. BD + BC = 18. BD + BCSAC = 25 TCD. BD + (BCSAC+NJ) = 27
so if my math is right, Heavy Handed is god awful even with Ninja and Better Criticals. Anyone care to double check? I typically only ever have 6 LK on my melee Couriers (and even then do not melee 100% of fights) but despite not having a super high crit rate I cannot see how Heavy Handed would win out. It feels as if your Courier were to use any melee weapon that was capable of crits you'd be better off without HH? It seems counter intuitive that Heavy Handed would net more damage over a spread while Sans Heavy Handed would give you larger single hits
if you got a critical? I'm more confused than when I started