» Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:01 am
I think I just found my final proof dragons are poorly implemented after all.
I fast travelled to Dawnstar and went to my kitchen to get some spinach out of the refridgerator and peel two potatoes during the loading screen. While doing so, I hear some noise, some roaring and think to myself: great, another dragon. AGAIN. Whatever, I'll just reload the auto-save file when I'm done here.
Thus, I return to the game and see my characer glowing and immediately wonder why he's not dead yet. I assumed he was on fire for a short moment, only to realize he's instead absorbing the dragon's soul just right then. "Dragon Soul Absorbed" it says on the screen a moment later.
WTH? There was one guard nearby. So what do these people need an effing dragon born for again?