I've had a wee look at Ebony armor, and suffice to say, I LOVE how it looks. Its such a shame that it isnt Light Armor, which my sneaky archer would use in a heartbeat.
I've also been thinking about using two-handed, mainly because dual-weilding weapons, whilst fun and damaging, is proving to be a bit too much risk for little reward for my playstyle. Heck, I've been thinking about adding some magic to the mix as well.
Might as well ask the questions I've been meaning to ask:
1. How does the Heavy Armor perk tree work in practice? Some of the perks seem... superfluous. Also, do they penalize you when sneaking? Same question for two-handed, though I imagine it does penalize you, it would be nice to get confirmation on this.
2. Magicka use and casting causes you to be visible right? Other than the Illusion's "Quiet Casting" perk, is there any other way to make magic more stealth-friendly? Do they benefit at all from sneak attack bonuses?
3. I dont suppose summoning a bound weapon works off on your weapon skill, does it? Does the quality of the bound weapon base upon your Conjuration?
4. Does blocking with your weapon benefit from the Block perk tree?