Oh god I'm confused

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:43 am

After my recent save got corrupted (still have earlier saves, but with the patch coming up in half a day or soish, archived the saves in prep), I've decided to go back and refine the plan and concept for my next character.

I've had a wee look at Ebony armor, and suffice to say, I LOVE how it looks. Its such a shame that it isnt Light Armor, which my sneaky archer would use in a heartbeat.

I've also been thinking about using two-handed, mainly because dual-weilding weapons, whilst fun and damaging, is proving to be a bit too much risk for little reward for my playstyle. Heck, I've been thinking about adding some magic to the mix as well.

Might as well ask the questions I've been meaning to ask:

1. How does the Heavy Armor perk tree work in practice? Some of the perks seem... superfluous. Also, do they penalize you when sneaking? Same question for two-handed, though I imagine it does penalize you, it would be nice to get confirmation on this.

2. Magicka use and casting causes you to be visible right? Other than the Illusion's "Quiet Casting" perk, is there any other way to make magic more stealth-friendly? Do they benefit at all from sneak attack bonuses?

3. I dont suppose summoning a bound weapon works off on your weapon skill, does it? Does the quality of the bound weapon base upon your Conjuration?

4. Does blocking with your weapon benefit from the Block perk tree?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:06 am

1. How does the Heavy Armor perk tree work in practice? Some of the perks seem... superfluous. Also, do they penalize you when sneaking? Same question for two-handed, though I imagine it does penalize you, it would be nice to get confirmation on this.

I am not familiar with the Heavy Armor perks - but I know as consequence: the heavier you are - the easier enemies hear you while sneaking. In Oblivion, also as I started in Skyrim; I took off my shoes/boots to sneak better and kept on building up my sneaking skill + the weapon class I fancied most.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:52 am

As far as I know, magic does not gain a benefit from stealth bonus ( though I don't see what the difference between an arrow or a fireball slamming into you from behind, both would freaking hurt, or burn in fires case ... ). Uh, let's see, I think it causes you to be visible if you're close enough, if you cast a spell from far away you should be fine. I don't think a higher conjuration skill makes bound weapons any better, just the perks for them do. And yes, bound weapons receive the bonuses from the weapon types respective tree. So if you put a bunch of points into 1Handed, and you conjure a sword, it will have all the same benefits from the tree that a metal one has. I'm pretty that using weapons to block would still have the benefits from the tree, but remember, you have to unequipt the spell from your left hand to block with a 1Handed weapon. Hope that helps.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:32 am

Damn I were there were a table to go on that'll tell how much penalty you suffer from equipped weapons and armor during sneak.

anyone have answers for 2 3 and 4?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:43 am

3. I dont suppose summoning a bound weapon works off on your weapon skill, does it? Does the quality of the bound weapon base upon your Conjuration?

I'm pretty sure it's just a generic type weapon that does damage based on the appropriate skill and possibly the conjuration skill too.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:34 pm

Sorry OP, a little of topic, but is it possible to conjure 2 swords/daggers? Would be awesome with a evil assassin type character.. but I havent seen this, so I guess its just my imagination playing with me
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:04 pm

I know question 4 is a yes, any perk that doesn't specifically mention shields works when blocking or power bashing with any weapon (you can powerbash without a shield).
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:50 pm

personally i use as much things as i possibly can, i dont give a f about what perks say, i mix light armor and heavy armor, use two hand and dual swords, while also summons and of course heal.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:59 am

First, without the "weght nothing" perk you can hardly sprint.
In Light armor that perk comes naturally, and is followed by 50% stamina reg perk, which is very nice.

Heavy armor tree is not good, final. And heavy armor as a stealther is just silly.

Press your sprint button for longer then 3 seconds and half your stamina bar is gone unless you have 300+ stamina, at which point it takes 5 seconds to empty half of it.

I agree, Ebony and Daedric looks very nice.

But, so does the Thiefs leather armor or Dark Brother hood gown:-)

Kronis face mask alone is worth going light for:-) Especially if you are an archer.

If you want a really good looking light armor, then just get smithing to 100 and make yourself a light dragon armor.
That, looks good.

Blocking from your weapon benefit from the block perks yes. Some are shield only but the basic perk is for weapons and shields.
You block better with 2h then with 1h, and you block better with shield then 2h.
With better block, that means, you take less damage blocking.
But with a high block skill and perks, even with 2h, you need to face some pretty strong enemies before they manage to break your block so you take some minor damage.

You can dual wield Conjured and bound weapons yes. Since you can dual wield spells, you can conjure one for each hand. Simple as that.
Conjured weapons goes on weapon skill indeed, but t heir strenght I believe are based on your conjuration skill, Im unsure there.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:17 am

If you get high enough in enchanting to place to enchants on your items, you can place muffle and fortify sneak on your boots. That along with the perk in stealth tree which reduces noise made by armor by %50 means there isn't much of a difference between light and heavy when it comes to sneak.

Even if you don't plan on getting that high in enchanting, just putting the muffle charm on your boots should suffice to equalize the difference between light and heavy armor when it comes to stealth.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:16 pm

Heavy armour might be viable for a sneaky character if you choose The Steed as your standing stone bonus. This negates the movement penalties incurred by wearing heavy armour so I *assume* it would also get rid of the sneak penalty. Anyone know if this is the case?

Oh, and you also get + 100 carry capacity, which is nice.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:16 am

To the OP, sorry buddy, I wish you could, but you can't take word for word what the effects might say. That would be nice, but some effects are slightly broken to were they do extra things ect. While most of them work fine and normal, there are a few of them that can be strange. And yes, you can summon a pair of swords to dual wield. To whoever said that.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:47 am

cast muffle makes all sound go away thats all u need lasts 4 3mins and has very low magic cost
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:45 pm

After my recent save got corrupted (still have earlier saves, but with the patch coming up in half a day or soish, archived the saves in prep), I've decided to go back and refine the plan and concept for my next character.

I've had a wee look at Ebony armor, and suffice to say, I LOVE how it looks. Its such a shame that it isnt Light Armor, which my sneaky archer would use in a heartbeat.
could look into "ebony armor" its a unique heavy armor which muffles its wearer (good sneak armor...)

I've also been thinking about using two-handed, mainly because dual-weilding weapons, whilst fun and damaging, is proving to be a bit too much risk for little reward for my playstyle. Heck, I've been thinking about adding some magic to the mix as well.

Might as well ask the questions I've been meaning to ask:

1. How does the Heavy Armor perk tree work in practice? Some of the perks seem... superfluous. Also, do they penalize you when sneaking? Same question for two-handed, though I imagine it does penalize you, it would be nice to get confirmation on this.
early on, it offers more protection while making you a lot slower and way easier to detect...late gameplay it doesnt matter...but if you want to go sneaky, i recommend taking light since a lot of unique sneaky stuff is light

2. Magicka use and casting causes you to be visible right? Other than the Illusion's "Quiet Casting" perk, is there any other way to make magic more stealth-friendly? Do they benefit at all from sneak attack bonuses?
not really, no bonus, just dont use magic close to your enemies - but you will use bow or mostly 2 daggers/1h weapons anyway...2h weapons make to much noise to sneak, 1h weapons a little noise, bows/daggers no noise... so the hardest to detect is wearing no armor with bows/daggers and no magic...the easiestto detect is heavy armor with 2handed weapons/magic... you dont really need the muffle spell if you go light armor sneak stile...just walk slowely... everything that has an influence on detection:
sneaking speed - the faster the higher detection
armor - the heavier - the higher detection
light - the brigther the higher detection
weapons - the heavier the higher detection
magic - flashy colours in the dark = no good

3. I dont suppose summoning a bound weapon works off on your weapon skill, does it? Does the quality of the bound weapon base upon your Conjuration?
sure it does, the summoning itself benefits conjuration (but only if the weapon gets used in combat), the use of the weapon benefits 1h/2h/archery

4. Does blocking with your weapon benefit from the Block perk tree?
not sure...maybe the +block improvement since it only works for 2h weapons anyway...but honestly if you want to block go shield...especially if you want to sneak - use 2 daggers to sneak up, if it fails switch to 1h/shield thant you get both from both worlds..2h weapons dont really fit in either playstyile except you like em but then forget about hardcoe blocking or sneaking (except bow sneaking of course)

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:54 am

Boud weapons raise your 1 Hand Weapon Skill and benefit from Perk (lovly 6x Damage hrhrhr)

No other way then silent cast doe stealth magic use. but never forget not only noise alterts Lights do the same :)

You can sumon one weapon in each hand looks very cool :)
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