Make a damn 64bit exe.

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:56 am

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that you can't upgrade it that way, from home basic to premium? Yes. Changing architecture and basically replacing the whole system? I doubt it, and I would've gone for a reinstall anyways.

I don't think you can? You can back up all your files, photo's and video's etc but you have to reinstall all programs, updates and drivers (assuming the drivers are available for 64bit). At least 18 hours hard slog for me and plenty of grief no doubt due to lost serial numbers for programs I've paid hard cash for etc etc! Not to mention all the lost cookiies, passwords etc......... And for what? A slower gaming PC with serious UAC problems which CTD,s Skyrim all the time?

Convince me I'm wrong. Please! It's been on my mind!

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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:07 pm

Windows 7 64 bit here

my game crashes at least 3 times in a hour every time without fail. I've put up with it since release as i was/am expecting a patch to fix this.

However, using the Skyrim4gb fix someone made fixed all the crashing problems for me. Not only that, but since using it i have not had any of the purple/pink textures come up.

Has to be memory related. Friend of mine on steam has the exact same results, since using Skyrim4gb his crashing has also stopped.

Yes, actually the same situation I'm in. Its got to the point, where I don't know if I still like/want the patches at this rate. :sadvaultboy:
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