I finnished the mage guild (winterhold) and alot of other side-quests, including Whiterun, Solitude, Winterhold and Windhelm. After this I got kind of bored of my character. I picked up enchanting to make my spells cheaper (so that I could cast more then 2 thunderbolts before going out of mana) which made the experiance somewhat better. Still though I often found myself running out of mana between chain-staggering opponents.
I found little joy in this playstyle however, let me explain why. First of all, constant mana-issues. I was hoping to solve this by getting mana-regeneration perks and such but apperently your magicka doesn't regenerate while you are casting spells. I figured I'd solve this by using staves while I regenerate mana but apperently it doesn't regenerate then either. I feel this forces me to either chain-chug potions or to kite mobs around while regenerate mobs. I did this and it made me feel little like a powerful wizard and more like a glitch abuser. This was solved by using enchanting to make gear that drastically reduces magicka cost of certain schools but I still felt that this playstyle offered me little. Another annoying thing is the 8 hotkeys. If I don't want to constantly pause the game to go into the favorite list I have to limit my arsenal of spells drastically, don't even think about hotkeying shouts.
So after completing the game with this character I want something new. I was thinking maybe a thief or a warrior or something in between. Probably skipping spells alltogether or exploring the illusion school which I haven't yet touched. The entire point of this thread is that I wish to request an interesting and challenging (to the extent that you don't have to constantly kite and such anyway) skillbuild for the expert difficulty.