uncharted 3 easily so far.........
Isn't a game.
Dead Island:
Great potential, but it misses a lot to be great.
Dark Souls:
Cool Hack&Slay, but I see nothing amazing here.
Amazing game, but sadly again with a lot of flaws. Could be GOTY, if there are no better ones.
Isn't a game.
Gears of War 3?
Never heard of it.
Saints Row 3:
Haven't checked it out yet, but looks like GTAIV only with FUN. Might be a very damn great game. Definetly a contender for GOTY.
Also GOTY worthy. Single Player is a bad joke, but MP kicks serious asses.
Isn't a game.
WWE 2012?
Never heard of it.
Batman Arkham City:
Nice Jump&Run/BeatEmUp game, but nothing amazing here.
Skyward Sword:
Haven't checked it out yer. Zelda was always great ... I liked 2D Zelda much more than 3D though. Dunno if it's GOTY worthy.
Minecraft:Definetly my vote for GOTY! This game reminded a lot of gamers (and hopefully developers), that gameplay > graphics.
It's also very unique ... the amount of freedom, the amount of creativity, that indescribable feeling of living in your OWN house/castle/cave/etc. .. living in your OWN world, working in your world together with your friends, try to survive, build up something, go on adventures, ...
Actually I still don't know how to really describe the amazingness of MC, but I really really hope, that we all learn something from it.
Deus Ex HR:
Great setting/atmosphere, but gameplay wise it just didn't get me. It's not bad .. I like the basic approach. Still it's just not "deep" enough to convince me.
Witcher 2:
Haven't really played that game so far, but it's definetly a contender for GOTY.
I'm not a fan of its linear design, but still it seems to be a great game.
Portal 2:
Oops .. haven't yet played it. Loved Portal 1.