The one-handed weapon skill development and weapon types are kind of bland. I like how one-handed weapon skill determines how efficient you are with all one-handed weapons. My suggestion, however, is to give character to the class of weapon being used. For instance, an elven sword does more damage than an iron sword. Because it's elven. Instead of making an elven sword more powerful than an irons sword, why not keep them equal at the base damage modifier. But give each weapon class different attributes (just like each race has different attributes: Nords are resistant to frost, ect). An elven sword say is %15 faster than an iron sword with a %15 chance at a critical hit. In this way, the one-handed skill becomes more determinant. Also, players get to choose what class of weapon they want to use. One player might prefer iron or steel over glass or orcish. This same principle can apply brilliantly to armor.
I would like feedback from a game developer if possible. I am very interested in this idea. I think it's potential could really enhance the overall Skyrim experience. It is an original RPG. Almost gives players total freedom. But an iron sword is sadly not good for anything but looking at on a wall

Daniel McGlone