Fallout 3 DLC issues. Mothership Zeta, Broken Steel, and Ope

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:02 am

Here are the list of bugs etc I have experienced with the DLC.

Mothershop Zeta
  • Bad frame rates, to the point of it being unplayable. In all areas, especially the engineering core.
  • When first starting the DLC, the Aliens would probe me, and then they just seem to freeze in place, thus not being able to start the quest(s).
    (Fix: Deleted all save games, and started a new game. Works perfectly now)
  • VATS freezes, Mothership Zeta is the only place where I encounter VATS issues.

Broken Steel
  • Terrible lag issues, especially when there are explosions from Liberty prime.
  • When starting the main Broken steel quests liberty prime will get stuck, and I cannot proceed to the bridge, due to there being a massive area where if I move there I get stuck. Thus not being able to complete Broken Steel.

Operation Anchorage
  • Near the end of the DLC the game really lags, especially after taking down the pulse field.
  • Some NPC's get stuck
  • After completing Operation Anchorage, the Outcasts will attack me for no reason.
  • Terrible lag in the outcast bunker during the "Aiding the Outcasts" quest.

It's a shame that none of these issues are going to be patched. The PS3 needs these patches. Please Bethesda....

I have had no problems with The Pitt and Point lookout however. These DLC's have been mainly lag and bug free.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:12 am

I have the same problems. I can't complete Broken Steel because the game first lags horribly and then freezes. I tried reinstalling and rebooting but that doesn't help.
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