Just a thought on some DLC

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:59 pm

So i think for one of the DLC they should add some kind of trading post. Why i say this is because not everyone wants to spend a bunch of time on smithing or enchanting and or alchemy. This way you could buy and or sell things to other users playing Skyrim.

This way you don't have to wait through most of the quest line to get better armor and weapons. Also you wont get robbed from the by selling items to store owners. Also with the addition of this they could add a trading system so you can trade items with your friends.

If anyone has played runescape they know what i am talking about. They could use the same kind of trading system they have where what you are trading has to be within a certain amount of gold of each other. If you are selling a 1000 dollar helmet you would need to pay at least 75% of the item or trade something that is within 75% of the cost of the item meaning the item you are trading would need to be 750 gold or you would need to put up 750 gold for the item.

Please leave your thoughts everyone

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:46 pm

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:11 pm

You'll get a lot of purists bashing you for suggesting online interaction between players.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:39 am

So what is the point of exploring then? You'll go into this trade market, buy some over-the-top set of armor and weapons, which would normally only be available to you at much higher levels or by completing a quest, but since you have the coin from cleaning out caves and bandits, you can afford such items?

Come on!

You know what I would do then? I'd start Skyrim right at the starting sequence. I'd console 500,000.00 coin to my character. I'd join the marketplace and buy all the BEST UBER gear available from people who quested for them or made them. With my character all geared up, I'd start playing the game.

Won't happen in a single player game. In a multiplayer universe, sure, the servers you connect to can control console gifts such as these but in a single player game, they can't control that.

You'd have a marketplace so saturated with gimp gear that every character playing the game could have gimp gear and afford it via the console commands of giving their characters the gold they'd need to buy that gimp gear, making the marketplace worthless.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:34 am

Or you could just skip the middle garbage and just console the items in..
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:07 pm

So what is the point of exploring then? You'll go into this trade market, buy some over-the-top set of armor and weapons, which would normally only be available to you at much higher levels or by completing a quest, but since you have the coin from cleaning out caves and bandits, you can afford such items?

Come on!

You know what I would do then? I'd start Skyrim right at the starting sequence. I'd console 500,000.00 coin to my character. I'd join the marketplace and buy all the BEST UBER gear available from people who quested for them or made them. With my character all geared up, I'd start playing the game.

Won't happen in a single player game. In a multiplayer universe, sure, the servers you connect to can control console gifts such as these but in a single player game, they can't control that.

You'd have a marketplace so saturated with gimp gear that every character playing the game could have gimp gear and afford it via the console commands of giving their characters the gold they'd need to buy that gimp gear, making the marketplace worthless.

Its funny I didn't this at the start of the game. I spent hours maxing out smithing and have the best armor and weapons in the game. the point be hind this is to allow people who don't want to waste a million skill points to get the gear and not get ripped off. and you don't need servers to monitor the gifting its called coding. If they cant code this simple yet much needed to a game like so then they shouldn't be making games. Also i have done hours countless hours of cleaning out caves and exploring and i have yet to find an item i am looking for. It would be nice to just be able to buy it after countless hours of searching for an item. I have probably over 150 Hours in to this game and i would say about 85% of it is working on lvling Smithing enchanting and exploring. I have hardly any of the main quest line done. And still having found the enchanted item i am looking for.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:19 am

Or you could just skip the middle garbage and just console the items in..

And this is for the console game. Not the pc. so that doesnt help me much of i would have already done this hours ago.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:46 am

meh, use the console (if your on PC)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:55 pm

I was expecting another Falmer and Dwemer return.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:18 am

Hmm..Let me think about it...

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