However, low fps of about 40-50 (usually its 60-80), lag spikes from crash pod drops, and choppy video makes it hard for me or anyone to play

Still, some ok kills in the vids...
If you want u can compare graphics quality from the vids with my older 1.8 vids in my uploads...there is a big difference in smoothness.
Hope Crysis 2 team can view this vid, and work on a solution for those who played fine during 1.8
I'm using AMD Phenom II X4 965 (3.40ghz), Geforce GTX 480, 3GB ram, win 7 64-bit. I've changed graphic settings to extreme, and high for Shadows, Water and Particles.
Skyline... most laggy map in 1.9:
City Hall...
Wall Street...