Amen to that!
Developers know they can release a buggy mess for consumption and that people will buy it up just the same as if they had waited an extra 6 months to really fine tune everything. Getting this to change will more than likely require one of the following:
1) Massive social change in attitude concerning what an "acceptable" finished product is. (Highly unlikely)
2) Developers realizing that they're promoting bad game development practices and stopping it themselves. (Highly unlikely)
3) Enough developers screw over enough people and a smart developer decides to capitalize on gamers desperation for a polished/finished product. (Doubtful)
The DLC generation has killed any notion of what a "complete at release" game should be. Everyone expects games to be released prematurely and then to be patched/fixed/completed after they've already bought it. MOST gamers are willing to pay EXTRA for these things. Until these things change, gaming will only get worse and worse.
Remember back in the day when you used to pay full retail price of maybe $40 for a game with horrible resolution and maybe 3-4 hours of horrificly simplistic and redundant gameplay. Now we've got games with beautiful artistic landscapes in massive open worlds with branching gameplay that last for 100's of hours, and they cost about $60. Gaming really is going down the crapper. At this rate who knows what kind of horrible things are going to happen in the future.
Frankly, if they couldn't develop a bug-free game of this scale, then they should have reduced the scale. There are obviously a lot of people on here willing to go to the mattresses for Bethesda, but money speaks louder than fans. I've never purchased a Bethesda game before, and after my own frustrations with the bugs in this game, I probably never will again.
People want bigger and better games, and are willing to deal with bugs and updates. Money does speak louder than fans and the money is telling bethesda to keep on doing what they're doing. Bethesdas sales from Morrowind to Fallout to Skyrim have only gone up and up and up with each of those releases being buggy and later patched. We want bethesda to be ambitious and make great games. Playing it safe is stilting and crappy.