Im playing on PS3 and ever sense I was updated with the new patch, Dragons don't attack anymore. They fly above, circle abit, then fly away.... :facepalm:
Bethesda, you have beatin the game for me, thanks! The NPC's are now worshiping a new God called "Patch" the one who saved them from Dragon attacks. :stare:
This happened to me before the patch. Don't think the patch is the cause of the issue. The dragon probably just saw how tough you are and decided not to attack
Ive had dragons do this outside Wrun and Dawnstar before the patch came out. Ive only played on a character that hasnt triggeredthe dragons yet since yesterday so I cant comment on how its affected the dragons yet.
I found that they do that a lot near Whiterun. Did you try a ranged weapon on them to get their attention?
That happens to me more often than I would like. I swear I'm going to learn fireball or something just so I can get their attention.
Piss him off with a well placed arrow/fireball.
Tried everything from arrows, magic, and shouts. They growl alot, but don't even return fire now.
This happened to me before the patch. Don't think the patch is the cause of the issue. The dragon probably just saw how tough you are and decided not to attack
Before the patch, I was racking up the Dragon Souls. Matter of fact, on some rare occasions I was attacked by 2 at once.
Im playing on PS3 and ever sense I was updated with the new patch, Dragons don't attack anymore. They fly above, circle abit, then fly away.... :facepalm:
Bethesda, you have beatin the game for me, thanks! The NPC's are now worshiping a new God called "Patch" the one who saved them from Dragon attacks. :stare:
Before the patch I saw this happen alot right after I would fast travel...Especially if I was within range of Whiterun or Solitude....They would make a few large circles and then take off somewhere else.
Even before the patch, they don't always attack. Sometimes they don't even see you. But if you aim a spell or arrow at the a couple of times, it gets their attention. I've also gotten their attention by using a shout.
I've had this 2 or 3 times before the patch on the 360. I thought that maybe some dragons are not supposed to see you straight away. I do notice however that dragons tend to stay near you, so you can run on over to a mountain and it will start circling you there, where it is easier to hit them with a fireball or arrow.