Thank you for this amazing game! I'm playing on the PS3 and while its a little buggy out of the gates, but very playable. I have played them all since Arena, including Daggerfall, so I know what buggy really is

I really appreciate how you keep pushing the bar up with each game.
For DLC: I would love to see expanded housing options such as we had in Oblivion. The houses in skyrim are all lacking in some aspect for me. I like the styling of one, the storage of another, the armory of another, but there is no complete package for me yet. I loved the wizards tower, fighters keep, vampire lair expansions of Oblivion. My overall favorite experience of building something that I got with the strongholds in Morrowwind and the town you build in the Bloodmoon expansion.
For Skyrim I would love to see one of the Jarls task me with the building of a new town. Improve the economy by building mills, mines and lumberyards. Hire and train guards. Build shops like smiths and alchemists. Have the economy attract residents. Have to make tough decisions like building myself a comfy meadhall or build a wall for the city. Equip my guards with better weapons or build a town well. Have the options to upgrade all of the above. Deeper mines for better ore income, wooden walls to stone walls, cobblestone streets instead of dirt streets. All the while I would have to defend my town from bandit, dragon and forsaken attacks.
For the keep/my home, I would like to see options is how it is developed. Have the option to furnish a particular room as an armory/library/laboratory. BTW, would it be possible to give any shelf in a home storage scripts instead of just random shelves?
I am looking forward to your DLC. I hope you find my suggestions acceptable.