Well well well ... I was enable to finish crysis 1 on my new computer because the game crash just before the last boss ( apperently because of my ATI HD 5870 crossfire). Now I'm not able to finish Crysis 2 beacause after I finish the mission with the big alien tower the game crash just after the video. I try too restart some mission before and it's not working. So Im telling you this, I buy an alianware just to play this game and I'm extremly disoppointed. I'm really tired of that kind of problem. If EA don't resolve this problem I promise to never buy another video game from them... I'm tired ... I'm not an informatical technician and I really begin to think that it's a most to play video game on computer these day's. So if anyone can help me your welcome. ( Sorry for my poor english and i'm also sorry for my langage but I really did my best to stay polite).