What was your most epic dragon moment?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:14 am

When one landed on me
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:26 pm

Is it possible to slay a dragon with only melee weapons? My first character isn't going to rely on magic or bows (well, maybe a shortbow if there is one). I mean, does it ever land other than when it sustains enough damage? By the sounds of it - I'll be getting my ass kicked by each and every one regardless.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:27 am

That's the temple I need to go to on the horizon... Wait... What's that flapping sound?
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:17 am



the slide show/ picture selection svcks

but most epic finishing move i will ever run into...

rahw companion werewolf stormcloak Bane Dragon Slayer!!!
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Kevin S
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:49 pm

Interesting how you could do that. Seeing how you can't jump and strike, at the same time.


Anyway, I just attacked it as it soured overhead. I was just trying to make it sound cooler because it wasn't as cool in my head.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:23 am

I had a quest from the companions to "persuade" a woman to....do something. Not really sure. The woman was in Riverwood. I arrived at night, located her house on my map, and began sneaking up to the front door. As i'm about to open it, a huge shadow passes over me, and the ground, and the house i'm trying to break into. Guards start screaming, I look up, and a Dragon with frost breath lands on the roof of the house next to me, and start breathing ice all over the guards. Arrows begin flying while I find a shady spot to remain hidden. Myself and the town guards bring it down with arrows, but not before it covered the ground and most of the houses in it's deadly frost. The dragon crashed and died in the middle of the street, in front of the Riverwood Store.

The next morning, frost is stil covering everything, and children are playing near the bones of the dragon. Most epic battle i've ever seen in any video ever!
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Jon O
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:34 am

Interesting how you could do that. Seeing how you can't jump and strike, at the same time.

mhmm also how dragons don't appear until a part after a certain bit of the main quest after yo umeet the greybeards ;)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:46 pm

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Laura Shipley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:08 am

I hope that I haven't had it yet :obliviongate:
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:39 pm

Fighting alongside mammoths and giants to take down a pissy dragon was definitely heart pounding. Having to run from said mammoths and giants was even more intense :P
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:17 pm

mhmm also how dragons don't appear until a part after a certain bit of the main quest after yo umeet the greybeards ;)

Wierdly enough, the second part was true...

It just flew over as I was crossing the second "hill" and I was like :blink: .


it was, interesting.

Still, it was cool...
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:40 am

The first random dragon was really epic.

I've met more dragons than bears in Skyrim... :/
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:11 am

Found a dragon sleeping at the bottom of a canyon. Casted stoneskin (+60 armor) and shouted become ethereal. Leaped off what seemed like a 100yard drop to start cracking his skull in with a 2h mace. He was dead before leaving the ground.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:44 am

I dual zapped one to a slither of health then he fried me to a slither of my health. I had run out of magicka and he was about to take my head off when I jumped on his neck and started caving in his skull in with a steel mace. Very brutal and intense stuff! :tes:

Two, First being outside Riften I fought a dragon with the guards and hwen it was on the ground I used Unrelenting Force and killed it.
Second is quite funny, I was at Kyrestone (I don't know if i spelt it wrong.) And the dragon was just lazy, I killed him before he finished his speech
and got into the air.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:40 am

Well I just got rocked by a Blood Dragon on my way to Riftin, I hadn't seen one of those yet. It was also the first dragon to kill me....

My coolest moment though was when I was collecting a bounty on a bandit camp by Whiterun. I had just entered the camp and started shooting some arrows when this damn dragon landed right in front of me and started torching the bandits. The bandits attached the dragon, I killed the bandits, and then the dragon lost interest in me and flew about 100 yards away to kill mudcrabs....

I chased it and killed it but I thought it was funny how mudcrabs are apparently higher on a dragon's priority list than Dark Elves...
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:29 am

A Frostyfreeze dragon had spawned as I entered a bandit camp to do one of the main quests, and it then commenced to fly over a small hill, and then attack the mammoths and giants at a nearby mammoth camp. I went over thinking I could use the giant's help to take it down, but ended up having the giants, and a mammoth I accidentally tagged with a shout commence following me instead.

I was desperate to get away from the mammoth and the giants, as past experiences with them had shown me giants could one-shot me, and mammoths could two to four shot me. So I went back to the bandit camp, all this happening while the dragon was still flying overhead. The dragon finally made a landing just outside the camp, used it's frosty breath on the giants and mammoth that were just about to pummel me for trying to help them, and dragged the awful creatures back to him. In the fracus, all the bandits apparently didn't have rocks for brains, and decided to side with me to take down the dragon. All of this resulted in what seemed to be one giant war against the dragon. The giants and the mammoth were busy with bashing him, some of the bandits were shooting arrows, and some of the braver running at it with thier swords, and I was a simple Argonian firing off a Shock spell in one hand, and Fire in the other.

I don't think I need to tell you folks, that the dragon was brutally befitted of weapons up it's anus. After the war with the dragon, the NPCs just sort of stood around, and seemed to be jostled out of thier derp only after I had shot an arrow rather randomly into the thigh of one of the giants, this resulted in the giants, and the rest of the living bandits re-taking thier arms and fighting with me again. I was killed by one of the giants.

Story over.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:15 am

So far the most epic dragon moment for me was outside of Solitude, in the ice marshes across the river. I was sneaking up on a troll, and just as I readied my bow to fire, a dragon swooped down and nabbed the troll, dumping him off like 50 feet away. Then he came after me. He was a tough mother - the fight lasted probably 10 minutes - but I showed him the business end of my battleaxe and eventually he gave up his soul.

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:31 am

Mine was when a random dragon appered in riverwood and as i had to land it flew over to me and at full health ran after me and picked me up in it teeth and killed me
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:06 pm

I was on my way to kill a dragon for a quest and I was nearly there when a dragon came down so i thought this was what I was meant to kill so I did and then realized that there was still a quest marker flying around nearby and the actual dragon came down and killed my companion and me. WTF
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:07 pm

come outside of inn and dragon was sitting in next house's roof
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:14 am

I just had the most awesome epic dragon moment! It was so good I had to jump out and post. God this was cool!!

As I finish Dagon quest and got the dagger, I seen a new Dragon location was nearby so I went to check it out. Hiked up to the top of the hill and came out above the site. The Drakes usually have a nice perch point, so I looked around but didn't see it....Oh, well jump down and see what there is to see.

I headed down the cliff jumping from point to point until I landed on the path. Did a quick scan...nothing. Hmmm.
Oh, well, no dragon....let's check his chest then, see what goodies!

Suddenly, there was a shadow over me.....a BIG shadow. I looked up and seen the Dragon hovering just above my head!! OH< SH*T!! lmao!! He blasts me with a wash of flame and pulled off quickly as I pulled out my enchanted blade! His barrel-roll took him down below the summit so I had a moment to reposition to the center of his pit and equip my fire resist shield. I chugged a health pot real quick to top off and then I waited for him to land....
He popped up over the edge and landed between 2 standing stones near the edge of his eyrie and roared his shout at me- then hit me with another blast of flame! I ran 2 steps toward him and hit him with my shout....Force!
Stunned for a merest moment, it sat there motionless and at that moment I charged in! Once, twice, I struck the beast! Gravely wounded it fell back off the cliff edge and took to the air!
I knew I had gouged it badly, perhaps even mortally. It made a single turn in the sky and then came directly in at me! It was going to be the final clash....

A quick side note-while I was clambering down the cliff to get to the Dragon pit, my trusty new follower, an old battle-tested Orc soldier, that had decided to come wandering with me after I talked with him in his remote village.....well, I had forgotten about him.....he had to find his way to me. But, back to the fight...

The Dragon, sorely wounded, roaring something(about my gruesome death I'm sure!) made its approach directly at me and was mere seconds away from his landing and our next go-round! But, suddenly, there was an amazing splash of red blowing out from its side as it flew low over the hillside. The drake crumpled in midair!!! And then slammed into the ground!

Stunned, I watched as the Dragon slammed into the ground, and slid up the hill digging up a furrow as it came to rest at my feet!!

WOW. I realized my new best buddy, had just shot the drake with some of the gear I had just made for him. And the drake slid in-just like in the movie-crumpled up, and stopped literally at my feet(and in a cloud of dust). Awesome, simply awesome. Then I started slamming my forehead into my keyboard....DAMN, DAMN, DAMN. I wish there was a way for me to have captured that scene........argh.

This game is buggy, it has issues. But that right there was worth the price of admission. I tried hard to describe the fight for y'all to give you maybe the feel....but I know it prolly isn't good enough. I just wish I had a few million of you lookin over my shoulder right then! Damn, that was cool.
Oh, well, I see another Dragon hovering in the distance......time to go get some.....ciao.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:13 am

Last night I fought both an Elder Dragon and a Blood Dragon at the same time, if a certain horse wasn't nearby I probably would've died.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:05 am

I have to say the first dragon was the most epic, seen all the vids and all the comments, but they did not to justice to the experience that was fighting murmulnir for the first time, with my gimped and poorly leveled lvl 12 pure mage on master difficulty.
gasping for cover every flyby the dragon did, trying to flank him to safely attack, the ffects and sounds chilling over my headset into my brain, the camera shackes, the blood and burns, it was awesome.

after that I have to say it was in a main quest, where it was me + 2 npcs fighting against a camp of mobs with 2 dragons between us... I honestely did not know what to do, protect my npc's, get to cover, attack the dragons or attack the mobs lol.
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