Will we ever get a skil lreset option? DLC maybe?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:43 am

, so a few missplaced points do not matter

Pure opinion, no way relevant. Get out.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:17 am

Now watch me smash all that hard work you put into that argument by simply saying, Forget the bugs and glitches then; it's a moot point. The immortal children breaks immersion far more than any perk reset option. Counter that argument.

No it doesn't. I don't give two hoots about an immortal chicken. You might but I don't.
I do care if I can suddenly "forget"enchanting perks after I got my full set of beautifully maxed out deadric enchanted gear and got myself maxed sneak and archery perks.

And unlike many people I don't happen to perk every tree I happen to have high lvl in. I naturally sneak all the time on my conjuration mage but I never put points into it.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:36 pm

Most characters would not consider randomly murdering children. Even a good portion of evil characters wouldn't see the point. Bethseda have 2 options. Remove children or immortal children. Politically it runs the risk of bans in several countries such as the USA if you are allowed to murder children. Fact.
So basically, you are saying, that in the absence of a coherent counterargument, you point to something else that is logically inconsistent and irrelevant to most players and claim this is more serious than the ability to reset your entire library of learned abilities.
Why not point to fires that don't hurt you as an argument.. or what about buildings that are architecturally impossible. Your comment makes no sense.

Excellent point. The fires not hurting you also breaks immersion. I hadn't thought of that one. :wink_smile: ...And no, I didn't abandon my original argument because it was incoherent. I abandoned it to completely nullify yours. Your first point for not wanting a perk reset sounds like an immersion killer. I've already countered this several times over by naming things that break immersion far more than this option.

Your second point against this was because it would be too overpowered. You wanna talk about arguments now making any sense. You're basically saying that anyone who has no wasted points is overpowered. For your third point implying that you can't make perk mistakes is the most ridiculous of all. I got aleast 3 perks right now that are essentially useless to me. At my current level I could easily place those three perks in spots that are far more needed but instead I have to sit with my haggling perks and dual restoration perks not realizing how useless they would be later on.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:23 am

I guess I never really thought about the crafting abuse that could happen if something like this was put into place. And I said "DLC" because it was something I would hope they would add into the game through expansive content, not make an exclusive DLC strictly dedicated to a respec option. In my mind it was simply something straight out of DA:II, Do a quest, drink a potion, and relocate points. Or do a quest for some witch lady who gives you the OPTION to reset maybe 3 trees or something. I'm not saying that if my Illusion is at 90 and my Destruction is at 20 that those skills should switch, but simply the skill points located in those trees reset, If I want to respec into destruction I should have to work at it just the same as any top class Mage, except now you have the skill points to increase your proficiencies in Destruction after you've worked at it.

People say this would make the game unrealistic, well, have you played Skyrim lately? There are [censored] Dragon's flying around breathing ice. I don't play a game for it to be realistic, because by definition, it's a game. If you're really hardcoe about this stuff more power to you, don't take the respec option, but for a guy like me that has limited hours of play in a day, something like a skill reset greatly appeals to me. Bethesda has to consider that Skyrim isn't just for you elitists, they appeal to a larger mass of casual gamers who just want to have fun, and for those people that don't want to replay hours of repetitive content just to try something new this a fair way to do it. Like someone said earlier (sorry for not quoting you directly) "My play style is not yours."

I love how people read this then flame me, calling me a whiner and a spoiled brat. It's a game, I'll say it again, A VIDEO GAME. Sure the concept would take some designing and developing and a little work to make it fair, but out of all the games that have those options they were massively popular and accepted. This game is about choice, and no game should be about consequence to a point where it stresses out the player or even for a second makes themselves think they did something wrong, why would an entertainment business want to punish (I use the word punish loosely) their clients unless it was to get more money? This is why people play games, to relax, have fun, and not face consequence other than "Do I want to buy a spell book, or a new sword?" not "Do I dedicate 5 hours to learn a skill that I may not like later down the road?"

Sure, nothing forces me to set a skill, but if you want to progress that Legendary Daedric Warhammer with a base damage of only 30 something just won't cut it (this is of course without skill points put into the 2h tree). My choice of a skill reset gives me a chance to experience combat differently, you have the choice not to take it.

Sure I could sit down for hours, reading a guide book, writing down perks I want to take, things that I THINK I may like, but in the end If i invest in my "planned" skill tree that doesn't change that I may not like where it leads, plus, I have more important real life things to be doing than homework for a video game.

I never thought this post would make people angry at even the concept of allowing other players to have a little more freedom.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:11 am

A perk reset mod already exists.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:23 am

A perk reset mod already exists.

What about us poor console users?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:11 pm

Plain and simple. The whole reason why the game developers added perk trees is to increase the uniqueness and builds of each individual players characters. Add something like a perk reset option ruins the whole idea of uniqueness and takes away from replay-ability. Lack of replay-ability is bad for any game's business due to less average hours being put into the game. The longer people play a game the better the sales because more people will be enjoying it longer and getting their friends/families/co-workers to play as well.

I am coming at this from a purely business perspective.
I can care less how other people play this game because its their choice to play but don't expect developers to give people a free pass to cut potential 100s of hours of replay-ability.
You can expect (however) for a mod to be developed by other players for PC use.

I would play the game more if I could remove and add different perks.

If I had to start over and play 50+ hours just for one perk, i'd probably stop playing it.
A skill reset option would be great. It would let you try new character styles, without completely restarting.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:01 am

What about us poor console users?

Always, and I mean always, only buy the PC version of a Bethesda game.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:32 am

Excellent point. The fires not hurting you also breaks immersion. I hadn't thought of that one. :wink_smile: ...And no, I didn't abandon my original argument because it was incoherent. I abandoned it to completely nullify yours. Your first point for not wanting a perk reset sounds like an immersion killer. I've already countered this several times over by naming things that break immersion far more than this option.

I do not think countered means what you think it means. The existence of even one minor immersion breaking part of the game, does not excuse specifically requesting or justifying the inclusion of a major, unrealistic addition. They are not the same thing.
There is a big difference between immersion breaking, and realism. A fantasy game with dragons can be considered realistic in terms of the world in which it is set. A fantasy game that allows people to instantly change their abilities on a whim, would not be realistic in terms of the world it is set.
You couldn't write a story based on Tolkien which incorporated lasers guns and nuclear bombs, you simply couldn't justify it despite it being no more "fantastical" than the existence of a wizard. The difference is what is realistic in terms of the world presented.

Your second point against this was because it would be too overpowered. You wanna talk about arguments now making any sense.

It would make a change.
You're basically saying that anyone who has no wasted points is overpowered.

Now you're just making thing up.
What I said was:
2. Its overpowered, people throw their toys out because they smithed/enchant superman powers, do you think they'll be able to resist doing that and THEN resetting into extra combat perks. If you choose to smith the best armour before it occurs naturally, you sacrifice the time it takes to learn combat skills etc. Reset and the entire concept of developing a character is broken.

I don't need to repeat it, its been pointed out enough, that system abuse gets worse, but most importantly, its an abuse which makes no sense given the context of the world.
You could argue the point in Deus Ex perhaps, that you could pay a ton of money and have them rip out your augmentations as replace them with new ones.. but not for learnt skills.

For your third point implying that you can't make perk mistakes is the most ridiculous of all. I got aleast 3 perks right now that are essentially useless to me. At my current level I could easily place those three perks in spots that are far more needed but instead I have to sit with my haggling perks and dual restoration perks not realizing how useless they would be later on.

But at the next level, you can put a perk in the place you do want it.. whats your problem? By level 81, you will be able to do almost everything anyway. You can't make perk mistakes, you have an ability, which you learnt, on purpose. Choosing not to bother using it is your choice.. unless you are genuinely upset that after 80 perks, you won't be able to max out every single perk tree, in which case.. you are playing the wrong game.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:30 am

Heres my thing. When I got the game it was my first experience with TES. I did'nt have a clue what to do with perks really for optimizing in one style of gameplay so i just went at it. Did'nt search the net for best builds or something like that. But I did run accross miss-information and ended up with 8 perks in Smithing, that I absolutely have no use for. So as someone that does'nt scour the interwebz for the tips, tricks and ELITE paths before playing even a minute... I would love to reset just to remove from a tree that has no effect on my game.

All this about it being OP and breaking the game and taking the fun out of it. Whatever. If the option is there it does'nt mean you have to use it. And furthermore this is not an MMO. What you do effects only you. Period. So if it where there and someone plays a Warrior and then respecs for a mage then it's there thing.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:52 am

Heres my thing. When I got the game it was my first experience with TES. I did'nt have a clue what to do with perks really for optimizing in one style of gameplay so i just went at it. Did'nt search the net for best builds or something like that. But I did run accross miss-information and ended up with 8 perks in Smithing, that I absolutely have no use for. So as someone that does'nt scour the interwebz for the tips, tricks and ELITE paths before playing even a minute... I would love to reset just to remove from a tree that has no effect on my game.

All this about it being OP and breaking the game and taking the fun out of it. Whatever. If the option is there it does'nt mean you have to use it. And furthermore this is not an MMO. What you do effects only you. Period. So if it where there and someone plays a Warrior and then respecs for a mage then it's there thing.

Exactly. If this was a multiplayer game, I can see why people would not want it.
But since its not, adding a skill reset option would only have good sides.

You aren't forced too. Only people who don't want to re-do 60 hours of playing time to switch a couple perks can.

For example, I thought you had an opportunity to get ALL the perks in the game, not 1/5 of them.
So I didn't pick carefully.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:50 am

All I want to know is; how is it an immersion killer to reset perks? If it would kill YOUR immersion, don't do it because it would obviously be an option. I payed $90 for this game and the strategy guide, and I would not kill my own game enjoyment. And if there are PC mods that allow them, and skill point changes as well, yet people are still playing PC versions of the game? Sure it's illogical for a person to "forget" perks. But is it illogical if alteration magic, which exists in this game, to do it? But simply put, who cares about logic in their video games? I think yelling gibberish and jumping off a 1000 foot high cliff and surviving is illogical. I play the game because its fun. The end.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:55 am

I will note, in addition to my feelings up there... I am starting over. Taking the same route and perking the same minus the poor decision in one tree. So if this matters at all in the discussion, I am going to do it the long way and some day be back to where I would be now with a respec.
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