Petition for skills respec and face redo

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:59 am

It really svcks when you've put an incredible amount of your time into a game, only to figure out you don't want some of the perks you picked, or that the beard you picked clips through the hemlet etc. All I want is the ability to purchase a potion that'll reset my skills, and a potion that'll transmorph my face; if any wizard could do it, it would be Farengar Secret-Fire.

Sign here if you agree

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David Chambers
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:00 pm

Petitions never work :/
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Wayne W
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:44 am

Petitions never work :/

The more people who agree, the more likely they are to take notice. They also don't work because people post stuff like you, and don't sign to show your support for the idea.
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:09 am

This seems like a weird request anyway. If you want a different character, start a new character. I can understand wanting to change face paint, or get a haircut, or grow a beard, or wash some of the dirt off your face if you chose a lot of dirt at the beginning...but changing your face to a completely new person?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:36 am

I can understand wanting to change a face if you made a character, especially when you consider the limited angles and lighting you're provided with at the character creation screen.

With PC there are console and mod options, so I couldn't care less, but for my PS3 and Xbox 360 brethren I can sympathize. I think trying to make it a 'service' offered by an NPC like a sort of medieval plastic surgery is the wrong choice though. Hair, war paint, dirt, whatever - that can be done at a certain 'barbershop' type place. Any sort of changes to the face itself can just be handled through a menu, without having an NPC involved.

Just think, if someone walked up to Farengar and totally changed his face, why would he still have a bounty now that he looks 100% different? But, if your cosmetic changes aren't justified, mentioned, or included through NPC interaction, there's no reason to believe that other NPC's should react to it accordingly.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:04 am

I wouldn't mind the ancient equivalent of a barber and a bath, but re-rolling your whole face? Don't know if I can get behind that one.

And not to be ridiculously cynical, but Bethesda doesn't make changes like that available once a game has gone gold. It's strictly content DLC and bugfixes. What you're looking for might be done by the mod community, or you could do it through the console. But they didn't do anything like that for Morrowind; they didn't do it for Oblivion; and there's no reason to expect Skyrim to be any different.

Best of luck all the same, though. I'll sign on just because I wouldn't mind a perk respec.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:35 am

You are willing to make a petition for something entirely cosmetic that has ZERO impact on gameplay?

Sorry but bethesda's time is better spent fixing/ maintaining the functionality of their game.

I would not mind a perk reset option, but its not there on the consoles and I'm over it. If it bothers you that much then start a new character. In fact, I just re-made my main today that had over 100 hrs on it just because I did not like some of the skills I picked before and wanted to try different ones.
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:21 pm

~. Showracemenu.

~. Player.removeperk

~. player.Addperk
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Symone Velez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:18 am

I want to be able to change my face and perks. I don't care who does it. Don't take it so literally.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:37 pm

Petitions never work :/

Plus, petitions aren't even allowed on the forums.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:11 am

Don't take it so literally.

So you intended it as some sort of euphamism?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:01 am

Petitions are against the forum rules.
Not to mention, no, this is never going to happen. Once you set your character, it is hard coded into the game. Changing this would cause numerous problems, just like when you change something via the console on a PC. It messes your game up.

And respeccing? No. TES is a game of choice. Make one, and live with it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:39 am

I didn't like the first couple characters I made, so I made a new one.

Now I'm happy.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:31 am


I was mainly working on leveling up One-Handed and Two-Handed, along side smithing, heavy armor, and Destruction, BUT then I realized you could get x15 sneak damage.

So I worked towards that, only to realize I couldn't get it since I no longer earned perks.
And playing another 80 hours isn't worth it.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:20 am

I don't give a damn about either of these things. They are both irrelevant.

Don't like your perks? Why'd you pick them in the first place?

Don't like your beard slipping through a helmet? Don't wear the helmet (though, from my experience, if you have any sort of headgear that isn't "open" your face, and thus beard, aren't even rendered, so clipping isn't an issue).
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:08 am

There is an option, it is on the title screen, under "new"
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:49 am

I don't give a damn about either of these things. They are both irrelevant.

Don't like your perks? Why'd you pick them in the first place?

Don't like your beard slipping through a helmet? Don't wear the helmet (though, from my experience, if you have any sort of headgear that isn't "open" your face, and thus beard, aren't even rendered, so clipping isn't an issue).

- I thought you could unlock all of them eventually, so I didn't pick carefully.

And I mean its not a hard thing to add. You should be able to remove a perk, and then use it somewhere else.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:44 pm

Sharing feedback or suggestions for improving the game is always welcome; however petition threads are not permitted.
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