» Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:36 am
I can understand wanting to change a face if you made a character, especially when you consider the limited angles and lighting you're provided with at the character creation screen.
With PC there are console and mod options, so I couldn't care less, but for my PS3 and Xbox 360 brethren I can sympathize. I think trying to make it a 'service' offered by an NPC like a sort of medieval plastic surgery is the wrong choice though. Hair, war paint, dirt, whatever - that can be done at a certain 'barbershop' type place. Any sort of changes to the face itself can just be handled through a menu, without having an NPC involved.
Just think, if someone walked up to Farengar and totally changed his face, why would he still have a bounty now that he looks 100% different? But, if your cosmetic changes aren't justified, mentioned, or included through NPC interaction, there's no reason to believe that other NPC's should react to it accordingly.