Skill wreaths

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:11 am

I've searched a few of the posts and feel like this hasn't been addressed: I took the light approach to the game, I have 100 sneak and 50 points in illusion so I cannot in theory be discovered (and for those reading who are just reading I do have a companion with me). I just got to 100 in the smithing tree and realized that I cannot make dragon weapons, but more importantly I cannot take a point in daedric(sp?) even though I clearly have the skill and there is a line (that does not look directional) from dragon armorer. My question is if this is intended functionality and if so is it true for all circular skill trees? In addition if it is intended then why isn't it clear when I started my character? Granted, I will likely play the game through again a few times, but knowing I cannot go back down a loop will change my build options greately.

I apologize if I've posted this and it's already been addressed, please let me know where I should look for my answer.

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Romy Welsch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:50 am

It is not really a circle like you think. Not all the Trees are like this, but with Smithing, it is two paths to the same destination. One is through Heavy and one is through Light. Kind of makes sense as most folks use one type of armor or the other. Mixing is rare, even without the perks. However, the only thing they overlooked was making armor or weapons for your companions if they use a different style of armor than you.

Most of the trees are one two or three paths that don't have a converging end point.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:26 am

Archery is circular too, but to go one way and ignore the other would be self-handicapping.
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:43 am

I just got to 100 in the smithing tree and realized that I cannot make dragon weapons, but more importantly I cannot take a point in daedric(sp?) even though I clearly have the skill and there is a line (that does not look directional) from dragon armorer. My question is if this is intended functionality and if so is it true for all circular skill trees? In addition if it is intended then why isn't it clear when I started my character? Granted, I will likely play the game through again a few times, but knowing I cannot go back down a loop will change my build options greately.

This is intended, and it makes sense. Daedric Armor is a form of augmented Ebony, so you need to understand Ebony first and especially Heavy Armor in general. You specialized in crafting Light Armor, so your opitons in heavy armor are limited to Steel Plate and Dragon Plate.

When a skill's perk-tree loops, it only indicates that you can get the final perk at the pinnacle by following two different branches. So all perk trees will behave like the smithing tree.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:25 am

OK, so I'm wondering if someone can comfirm this:

I've heard about the issue with Smithing and Daedric armor on a few threads and I understand that you have to fill the perks up on both sides of the loop to get the top one.

Do all the other skill trees that loop require you to perk the whole loop to get the top perk? Except for Smithing I haven't heard anything definitive.

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Miss Hayley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:03 am

OK, so I'm wondering if someone can comfirm this:

I've heard about the issue with Smithing and Daedric armor on a few threads and I understand that you have to fill the perks up on both sides of the loop to get the top one.

Do all the other skill trees that loop require you to perk the whole loop to get the top perk? Except for Smithing I haven't heard anything definitive.

You heard wrong.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:28 am

They are constellations. That's why.

Close the thread, I'm done here.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:55 am

Okay, so your game is cool and I'm still goign to play it 3 or 4 more times still, but why (if the intent was as you mentioned) does for any looping case there exist no indication that it requires more than a skill number? Seems to me like if a perk requires more than a skill value (like another perk that isn't neccissarily obvious because there is more than one line that can get to it) the skill should indicate this required perk, such as ebony for daedric? Please note I'll make sure to compensate my future playthroughs for not believing skill requirement is the only requirement, but I hope other players don't have to find this out the same disapointing way I did.

also note that this invalidates half of the smithing tree and makes power leveling smithing to get to dragon scale armor a real logical thing to do now for any rogue out there because the only half of the tree that makes any sense is the one that includes the daedric weapons which do the most damage and still gives them the best light armor available, at least based off what I've heard about daedric weapons (bows and daggers) and dragon scale armor.
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