End game content reached :(

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:59 am

Well after a few days of playing I reached to the top of immortality. My character is a warrior using two-handed battleaxe and heavy armor. I got all my skills maxed and got my Daedric armor maxed to the limit of the game (I have about 600+ dmg on axe and 1500k+ armor) so I can 1 hit kill a Giant. Even with the epic gear I did die several times on the last main quest story only due to being gang [censored].

I decided to put away my epic gear and just use default daedric armor and being a warrior I decided to do something different and summon monsters to aid me now. I went and got the spell to summon Daedra Lords and got to summon 2 at the same time well now I am immortal again :( I finished the quest storyline and doing the Storm Cloaks right now which is cool but I just am too powerful and I play on Master.

I just want to get the Windhelm house and marry and have a kid now.

Anybody else reached the top?
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:09 am

Did you get to lvl 80? Finish all quests etc. Achieve 1000gs or a plat depending?

Or you can start a new character and get normal, normal gear for your level and not use max enchants and [censored]
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:23 am

Did you get to lvl 80? Finish all quests etc. Achieve 1000gs or a plat depending?

Or you can start a new character and get normal, normal gear for your level and not use max enchants and [censored]

I'm level 81, I am gimping myself now with inferior armor but its still easy doing the quests I kill too easily I think Bethesda should re-work the enchantments and skill leveling in the game.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:53 am

Well after a few days of playing I reached to the top of immortality. My character is a warrior using two-handed battleaxe and heavy armor. I got all my skills maxed and got my Daedric armor maxed to the limit of the game (I have about 600+ dmg on axe and 1500k+ armor) so I can 1 hit kill a Giant. Even with the epic gear I did die several times on the last main quest story only due to being gang [censored].

I decided to put away my epic gear and just use default daedric armor and being a warrior I decided to do something different and summon monsters to aid me now. I went and got the spell to summon Daedra Lords and got to summon 2 at the same time well now I am immortal again :( I finished the quest storyline and doing the Storm Cloaks right now which is cool but I just am too powerful and I play on Master.

I just want to get the Windhelm house and marry and have a kid now.

Anybody else reached the top?

That's your own fault for exploiting the game to get maximized gear, and maximizing all of your skills. It's called self control.
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:25 am

Well, if you think the game is too easy, take off that Daedric Armor and use something weaker. Get another weapon. Weaken yourself if you're feeling like a god.
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:01 am

Well after a few days of playing I reached to the top of immortality. My character is a warrior using two-handed battleaxe and heavy armor. I got all my skills maxed and got my Daedric armor maxed to the limit of the game (I have about 600+ dmg on axe and 1500k+ armor) so I can 1 hit kill a Giant. Even with the epic gear I did die several times on the last main quest story only due to being gang [censored].

I decided to put away my epic gear and just use default daedric armor and being a warrior I decided to do something different and summon monsters to aid me now. I went and got the spell to summon Daedra Lords and got to summon 2 at the same time well now I am immortal again :( I finished the quest storyline and doing the Storm Cloaks right now which is cool but I just am too powerful and I play on Master.

I just want to get the Windhelm house and marry and have a kid now.

Anybody else reached the top?

Not trying to flame, but..You should expect this..You Ubered yourself to god-like levels so this shouldn't be a surprise. The ONLY thing that I can think of, is someone coming up with a system where every creature is one-two levels higher than you, so you can have a constant challenge around every corner.

...Oh, wait! :wink: J/K

Really, what is the point of leveling up when the end-result is that you get stronger than the creatures that you're trying to fight? You should play that dead-is-dead style on master-level only armed in Iron armor and an iron dagger. :wink:

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:31 pm

How does your weapon do 600+ damage exactly? Because that's low for the exploit, and high for normal.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:24 am

People complain about scaling, then they complain it's too easy when you are maxed. It's called BEATING THE GAME. When you have all of the best everything, you SHOULD be overpowered. If getting all the best gear puts all the mobs at the best gear, then its like you just started with nothing.

If I am in full daedric armor, and the enemies are in full daedric armor because I am, what the hell is the point of me finding daedric armor.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:08 am

How does your weapon do 600+ damage exactly? Because that's low for the exploit, and high for normal.

I play on the Xbox 360 and I did not use any exploits for the weapons. The dmg is without any potions, spells, etc.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:25 am

That's your own fault for exploiting the game to get maximized gear, and maximizing all of your skills. It's called self control.

Yup, 1500 armor is a sure sign of using the abuses spelled out in the spoilers and using the crafting exploits. Congrats, you get to fly through the game. If you want to be done quick, you will accomplish it, but using god mode to plow through quests ruins it IMO.

I had a friend who played oblivion and thought it was boring, I checked his character and saw he had enchanted his armor with 100% chameleon... He couldn't understand why I thought oblivion was fun. I guess not everyone "gets" it.
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:46 am

That's your own fault for exploiting the game to get maximized gear, and maximizing all of your skills. It's called self control.

And yet you do not see the fact that to continue on level progression at end game or so you need to level skills to grow. Just saying.

I did not abuse the game with my 36 Nord and I have beaten the end game and he is not broke and it was my first on normal so nothing can do crud to me now. I did no breaking and got 100 Smith just before the end game and no enchanting past lvl 30 (skill level) yet I find no real challenge. But I guess it would be my fault now by not purposely lowering my gear when I did nothing to break said system.

The system has flaws down the road unless you proactively make sure it does not happen. You can break the game but when you do not and just don't personally gimp yourself you still get a over-powered result at the end.

That being said before you go on blaming me for lack of self control. I have re-rolled guys and I specifically have only focused on main trees related to him as a character and its a lot more "challenging" fighting all the Galdur guys at lvl 20 to finish the amulet was a challenge and fun.

What can be said is that you can become OP without even trying so self control in certain aspects of the game (i.e smithing daggers a bajillion times) is not required to become overly powerful. Again, just saying.

Edit: I love all the TES games and I go through just playing normally and not breaking or purposely "balancing" the game through my own actions. I am all for Beth and their games so don't think I do not love the game. I do, but to say there are not any flaws and that the player should be expected to sit between lines aka self control to make it a challenge is just honestly a obscene really devoted fan defender call out. Again not talking about purposely rushing skills or anything of the such, but if you play normally and smith every so often and get to 100 then so be it. My Nord is broken without being broken, so I do not get the cries that it must be a lack of self control.

I see people jump hard on people and try to white knight for the game and hey I am on neither side, there are balancing issues weather you want to admit it or say it's the player's responsibility or not. The problem is still there, it can be circumvented by players but if you play normally and do not break things why should you have to pvssyfoot around? Tell me that.
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Hilm Music
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:18 pm

And yet you do not see the fact that to continue on level progression at end game or so you need to level skills to grow. Just saying.

I did not abuse the game with my 36 Nord and I have beaten the end game and he is not broke and it was my first on normal so nothing can do crud to me now. I did no breaking and got 100 Smith just before the end game and no enchanting past lvl 30 (skill level) yet I find no real challenge. But I guess it would be my fault now by not purposely lowering my gear when I did nothing to break said system.

The system has flaws down the road unless you proactively make sure it does not happen. You can break the game but when you do not and just don't personally gimp yourself you still get a over-powered result at the end.

That being said before you go on blaming me for lack of self control. I have re-rolled guys and I specifically have only focused on main trees related to him as a character and its a lot more "challenging" fighting all the Galdur guys at lvl 20 to finish the amulet was a challenge and fun.

What can be said is that you can become OP without even trying so self control in certain aspects of the game (i.e smithing daggers a bajillion times) is not required to become overly powerful. Again, just saying.

I see people jump hard on people and try to white knight for the game and hey I am on neither side, there are balancing issues weather you want to admit it or say it's the player's responsibility or not the problem is still there, it can be circumvented by players but if you play normally and do not break things why should you have to pvssyfoot around? Tell me that.

You weren't playing on Expert/Master?
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:01 am

I have a lvl 69 character, went boring because it's a JOAT so I made another character.

Be just like me and play as a damn assassin already, they're awesome.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:02 pm

You know the enemies are only balanced to level 50 right?
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:31 am

Not on my first playthrough, no. Did I miss something? I wasn't aware we were talking about all difficulties (my bad - that comes off snooty or jerk like but honestly it wasn't. Darn text not being able to convey tone). I am playing on Expert/Master now and its a challenge when I play normally (which is still holding back). Except when I re-did my Nord who just still with the same archetype and skillset rips through everything. (granted he uses a lot of potions for health now)

Overall I am not talking directly about OP's situation but the balancing overall without having to change past the standard start up and play mechanics and gameplay.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:02 am

If you abuse the game mechanics to get 1500 armour, you're going to remove the challenging aspect of the game. Brought it upon yourself.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:29 pm

The mechanics is flawed, I prefer to play on the Xbox 360 then on the PC because its too easy to just use the console or the construction kit. Having enough gold to buy iron ingots and leather strips too level smithing is not an exploit it would have been better to have something to prevent this from happening. So Bethesda if your customer is "smart" then they will beat your game easily.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:57 pm

Ive been gimping myself with clothe armor since level 20. Playing on masters. Theres just no point to wear any armor if you want any kind of challenge, especially if you're ranged.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:36 am

If you abuse the game mechanics to get 1500 armour, you're going to remove the challenging aspect of the game. Brought it upon yourself.

I did not abuse any game mechanics. The game limit for a max enchanters elixer is 32% and fortify smithing elixer is 129%. This I reached the numbers for my armor and weapon. I am just using what the game lets me to do.
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