How can I become a thief/assassin?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:10 pm

What would my character setup etc have to be like?
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:32 pm

I would go with Sneak, Archery, Alchemy, Lock picking, and One handed (Just in case your caught in open battle)
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:36 pm

However you want it to be.

But you will need sneak, 1h is much better for a sneaky role than 2h.
Illusion is good for manipulation of enemies and invisibility.
Archery is good for stealth kills from distance.
Becoming a vampire is very useful for a stealth character, being the dunmer race to start with (+50% fire resist) helps with the vampire fire weakness.
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:12 am

These are some skills a Thief might use:

1h weapon
Light Armour

I'd concentrate on the combat side to start with, just level/perk up 2 or 3 to begin with so you can defend yourself well.

Race wise, Khaijit , Wood Elf & Argonian are natural Thief type characters, but you can pick whatever you like really, as it's pretty easy to level up the skills.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:21 am

Right, I feel like a massive post, and this is sort-of my area, so I'll give you a few options.

Khajiit Assassin

  • +10 Sneak
  • +5 Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, One-handed, Pickpocket

Khajiit are the best stealth race in the game initially, and more inclined to combat than the other options. The +10 Sneak gives you a nice headstart regarding staying unseen, which is PIVOTAL to a Khajiit as they're not hardy warriors. They die easily. You also get combat bonus's for both Archery and One-Handed - once you get the Sneak perks for damage bonuses, you'll be knocking out some serious damage. Focus on Light Armor, Sneak, your combat method of choice, Pickpocket if you feel the need.

Try and stay away from magic as a Khajiit. You start with just 100, and you'll need a LOT of investment that would be better spent in Health or Stamina to make it usable - you'll be more well rounded, but weaker overall.

Argonian Thief

  • +10 Lockpicking
  • +5 Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, Sneak

    Argonians are the defensive version of the Khajiit. They do not hit hard, and you will have to practise combat on weakened enemies before you can set out into dangerous areas and pack a punch. The +10 Lockpicking is decent, but not as nice as the +10 Sneak you get from Khajiit. You recieve no bonuses for any combat method, but a +5 for Light Armor - this takes longer to train than combat, and arguably makes you more flexible as far as combat is concerned, though you have to make up the time.

    Magically, Argonians are far more viable than Khajiit. The Restoration allows you to fortify yourself and your companions if you're seen, and heal when undetected. Alteration gives you access to the Detect Life and Paralysis spells - and is therefore definitely worth using, as it can allow you to scan for enemies and escape dangerous situations. The ability to breathe underwater is also great for hiding.

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An Lor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:25 pm

I would say Sneak is all important, Onehanded or Bow is all important. Some Alchemy to make poison.

You need to be able to sneak and do damage.

I would lean on those skills early; kind of like starting as an 'Asssasin', and Easing into 'Thief' later.

Once you are a stealthy killing machine you can worry about improving up other skills.

If you have too many skills you may find it difficult to kill things, as your combined skill increases your level (and the enemies level)

You kinda want your stealth and one hand weapon to be as high as possible early on, compared to your other skills for that reason.

That is what I would do for a Thief/Assasin.

If the above is not good advice, don't worry; someone will be along to correct it :)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:37 pm

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