Successful troll is successful.
In an alternate reality, where not a SINGLE reply was made to this thread, this poor neck-bearded fool would have trotted off in a huff---and we'd all be playing Skyrim like nothing ever happened.
The fact that MW3 was used as a counter argument to Skyrim is reason enough to completely ignore this guy. The two games can't even be compared; but here, I'll humor you.
MW3 was in development for what, 6 months? Skyrim was in development for over 5 years. Tell me, OP, how many voice actors were used in MW3? How many different weapons/items are there? How many maps? Combine ALL of those things, and you wouldn't even scratch the surface in comparison to Skyrim. There are literally THOUSANDS of obtainable and view-able items in Skyrim, the map itself is over 14 square miles, there are over 150 discover-able handcrafted locations, and there are over 40 voice actors. So, please, enlighten me as to how these games are comparable? What, gameplay-wise? Pft... entirely separate genres.
I know everyone in this thread has said this already---but if you don't like the game, get the hell out of here. We get it, some people don't like the game. That doesn't mean you can be completely opinionated and expect us to bend over and take it. If you want attention so badly, let me help you out:
1. Find a freeway.
2. Walk into the middle of it.
3. ???
4. Profit.
Wow *clap* *clap*
Skyrim was in development for 5 years and they still got it wrong. Modern Warfare 3 was in development for 2 years since the last one. It kept what worked and fixed what didn't. Skrim took what Oblivion had and made it a little better, but still bad. To think in 5 years they still couldn't make a combat system that worked, my bad more like 10 years since Oblvion's combat system svcked, dont know when Marrowmind came out