Hey guys about my config.

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:17 pm

Hey guys I just sorta started using custom configs since the 1.9 patch to take full advantage of the ULTRA setting and get good FPS so I've tried putting some stuff in my config that work in the console when I join a server.

But some of the settings in my config don't work unless I type them in again when I join the server. But I really don't want to be typing 5 console commands every time I join a server becuase by then I've already been killed.

Any ideas what's up? I put the confg in my SYSTEM AUTOEXEC and MULTIPLAYER dot CFG 's.

My config whatevers:

g_skipIntro = 1
g_radialBlur = 0
cl_fov = 70
pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 70
r_DrawNearFoV = 70
r_motionblur = 1
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.0001

r_UseEdgeAA = 0
i_mouse_smooth = 0
r_postmsaa = 0

r_HDRBloomMul = 0.4
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0.4

r_texturemaxanisotropy = 1
r_colorgrading = 0

All I know is my skip intro, FOV and motion blur works from the config the rest I type into my console in-game.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:27 am

Tried put it in Game.cfg and changed it to read only? Heard alot people playin mp mention that.
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victoria johnstone
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