Need critique for a character concept

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:30 am

So here is what I am wondering. I want to make a sneak-mage-thief-assassin hybrid. I am particularly interested in using the runes that act as land mines to help me kill things.

To accomplish this I need Sneaking, Illusion, and Destruction. I would focus primarily on Shock since no one resist shock damage naturally race-wise but bretons, but they resist everything anyways.

What I have running through my head is getting Illusion high enough for Silent Casting perk. I also need the relevant destruction perks, including increased range on Runes, and finally of course sneaking so I can sneak without detection. My ideal situation in a dungeon crawl is to drop runes underneath people from a distance while stealthed, and just bombing people to death, and also since I had to perk into illusion to get silent cast, throwing in Frenzies as well to finish it out while I place land mines under people with silent casting. Or like if I find a bandit patrolling a stair case, Runing the wall where he patrols to nuke him maybe? Fighting with traps I guess? I would also still have access to like Lightning Bolt so once I run into , say a Bandit chief at the end of my dungeon crawl sitting in his car, I rune his backside, then nuke from stealth etc?

Can this work? Thoughts? Criticisms? I compare this sort of to being able to place mobile bear traps that are littered all over dungeon floors. At least thats how I see it.
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james tait
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:02 am

Dont mind me just bumping
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Eileen Müller
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