1. Left mouse click on map - now exit the map screen.. This means that u not only cant set a 'player marker' - you cant perfom a 'quick transfer' to known locations, so say hello to 'Morrowind'=) btw 'Tab' key now doesnt close map screen.
2. Another screen witch has troubles with left mouse button - is the 'Favorite' screen. When clicking left mouse button on any item of the list - it now works like exit of this screen (instead of binding this item / spell to 'Right hand')
I think it is not nessesery to explain what does it mean for a battle mage when you cant change a spell.
3. When reading a book - you now cant exit that screen. 'Tab' button just do nothing. So if you've started to read a book, the only way to stop reading it - is to 'take' it.. than you should go to inventory to drop the book.
But this situation has another problem: if you're reading a book in somebody's house - you must steal it or you couldnt close it another way.
4. Screen with item list (when exploring a chest / bag / smb's corpse etc) do nothing when you press 'R' key ('take all' option). It is not so big trouble like first three, but it is very annoying.
After founding this bugs i have switched off the autoupdate of 'Skyrim' in 'Steam' settings, then I have uninstalled my copy of 'Skyrim' and installed it again.. but - the game started to update after installation!!!
Why? 'Autoupdate' is switched off - why game should update? And why cant I start to play when I pause/cancel the update? Why cant I uninstall the update or how can i install the game without updating it?
P.S.: Sorry for my English
I want to believe that the developers will read this bug list
becouse after this patch i just cant play the game at all