No I am not here to start a "We hate skyrim" or "skyrim is so cool" or any kind of flame war. I haven't seen this much hate for a game since.....since.....ever.Like this whole section is littered with "I wasted my moms money, wah!" or similar stories. Even oblivion didn't get this much hate.....Why? The graphics look amazing - ok so there are some glitches but very game has glitches. Software developers are not perfect. game designers are not perfect.....
I'm just so baffled, one minute the forum is full of "what should I make, where should I go" and the next its "We hate Bethesda, todds head on a stick! woot!"
I submit that it is this way with every RPG I've ever followed. For one thing these games are so complex that no matter WHAT they do a lot of people are going to say "yeah but you should have done this".
Go look at some of the other games and check out the threads around release time. People lost thier fricken minds bashing Fallout New Vegas "whaaaaaaa I miss my atmosphere, not enough exploring....WHERE'S MY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOT". Ugh.
I wasn't here for it but I'm told it was a b*tch fest when Oblivion came out. People were still whining about Mass Effect 2 being "dumbed down" two years after it came out, and Dragon Age 2 damn near caused a flippin revolt. There was a lot of hate and discontent on Fable 3 from what I saw but I didn't hang at that forum long as it didn't take me long to decide that I hated Fable.
From what I'm seeing, this game isn't getting near the hate the FONV and DA2 got.