I love rolling my Nords, being English born but with Scandinavian roots, I feel a kinship with Nords, and with Skyrim (the land in the game, not just the game itself). Tough, rugged, with a romantic and chivalrous side. I openly worship Talos, and attack and kill any Thalmor I see (spitting on their filthy elven corpses), and free any of my Nord Brothers they had in custody. I openly support the Stormcloaks and visit Windhelm as often as I can to pay my respects to Jarl Ulfric. I wear Old Nordic armour, and my sword, which I have named Thunderforged (not enchanted), is a Nord Hero sword, all forged by myself at Skyforge. I also carry Ysgramor's Shield. I don't own a house, I stay in Inns, chat up the serving wenches, fight in brawls and drink lots of ale and mead. I don't own a horse and never fast travel.
So, my fellow Nord adventurers, how do you roll?
So far, I'm enjoyiing myself, wandering the landsape of Skyrim, liberating Nords captured by the Thalmor and raiding dungeons, along with some Hunting to pass the time.