» Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:26 pm
I had to make an account in response to these "Golly, just don't complain" threads.
Background: I'm a long time TES fan. I started with Morrowind. Modded Oblivion is probably my favorite game. I'm a Software Engineer by trade.
For those creating topics suggesting user complaints are unjustified:
Certain things about Skyrim svck. Majorly. Beyond that generalization exists a large collection of documented/reproducible bugs, some of them flat-out embarrassing. An off-shore bargain-budget QA team ought to have have found some of these through normal vetting.
I won't go through all the issues independently, but we're dealing with fundamental RPG mechanic problems, rushed quest lines, strange/illogical NPC interactions, a terrible "gaming service" that does nothing to protect the product from piracy, severe lack of content for some features (marriage, spellcrafting, quest lines, etc), repetitive and nonsensical Dragons, and no ability to mod around it through the CK (currently). When you put it all together, at least to me, it falls short of previous TES titles. You can't write off the problems here by saying people aren't using their imagination, or don't know how to roleplay. Arguments like that do not refute the problems with the product.
Clearly, Skyrim shipped with serious problems. I feel like they went in shooting for "GOTY FUK YEH!1one!!". I feel like there's far more style over substance here. As others have pointed out, bugs are to be expected, but not on this magnitude.
Most people here are paying customers (presumably). This means they have the right to express and point out what's wrong with this product. If you don't like the legitimate complaints (meaning the complaints that are clear bugs and can be reproduced) you need to leave, fix the bugs yourself, or shut the [censored] up. You're bringing nothing to the discussion and aren't even bothering to refute the problems with the product.
Best regards, not trying to start a flame war.