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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:59 am

id heard about that,,,was there as much outrage then though?

No the community and it's player base has changed a great deal since that game.
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Marquis T
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:08 am

I'm not bothered by the bugs so much. I'm bothered by the Skyrim fans that bash Morrowind. I may be one of the only Skyrim fans who loved Morrowind too. When oblivion came out and most of us hated the changes, the people who didn't mind the changes didn't attack Morrowind in defense of Oblivion like is seen here. It's crazy. These new Skyrim fans are gross.

What a pathetic opinion. "They dont worship Morrowind, they moved on, I havent, bawwwwwwww"

And last time I checked this wasnt the Morrowind forum. Go worship that game from 2002 there and don't whine when a game that isn't skyrim isnt worshipped on the SKYRIM forum.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:27 pm

The only bug i've had is the girl not getting murdered in Windhelm.

It's hard to get out every little kink in a large game, and when it's as large as Skyrim there are going to be a lot of kinks.

Its not 'little kinks' when something such as no resistances are implemented. That affects gameplay heavily. Its actually a huge downgrade instead of a patch. I couldve lived with sub-par textures for a bit longer. Messed up dragon a.i also pretty much ruins the game. I know its a huge game and not every kink can be worked out, but little problems should be creatures getting stuck in terrain or your occasional floating rock or tree... Not destroying important game mechanics in a supposed update. This will make the game almost impossibly hard for some players who rely on certain mechanics to progress.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:47 am

I have a feeling some of the posters dont remember their precious morrowind on release. I was here for that mess, Morrowind was much buggier than this game could ever be on release. This has been the most stable/polished release for them in years.

Morrowind had quite a few quest breakers, but i was able to work around every one of them successfully, not to mention goty fixed alot of the problems for me. Morrowind however DIDNT have broken mechanics such as important resistances not working for everything in the game world... Or excessive item bugs... Or a ton of other stuff that almost completely ruins skyrim.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:22 am

I'm not surprised or annoyed at the buggy patch.

What I'm annoyed at is the fact that, after I specifically turned off Auto-updates on Steam (because I wanted to be careful about patching), it went ahead and did the patch anyway.
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Killah Bee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:26 pm

I had to make an account in response to these "Golly, just don't complain" threads.

Background: I'm a long time TES fan. I started with Morrowind. Modded Oblivion is probably my favorite game. I'm a Software Engineer by trade.

For those creating topics suggesting user complaints are unjustified:

Certain things about Skyrim svck. Majorly. Beyond that generalization exists a large collection of documented/reproducible bugs, some of them flat-out embarrassing. An off-shore bargain-budget QA team ought to have have found some of these through normal vetting.

I won't go through all the issues independently, but we're dealing with fundamental RPG mechanic problems, rushed quest lines, strange/illogical NPC interactions, a terrible "gaming service" that does nothing to protect the product from piracy, severe lack of content for some features (marriage, spellcrafting, quest lines, etc), repetitive and nonsensical Dragons, and no ability to mod around it through the CK (currently). When you put it all together, at least to me, it falls short of previous TES titles. You can't write off the problems here by saying people aren't using their imagination, or don't know how to roleplay. Arguments like that do not refute the problems with the product.

Clearly, Skyrim shipped with serious problems. I feel like they went in shooting for "GOTY FUK YEH!1one!!". I feel like there's far more style over substance here. As others have pointed out, bugs are to be expected, but not on this magnitude.

Most people here are paying customers (presumably). This means they have the right to express and point out what's wrong with this product. If you don't like the legitimate complaints (meaning the complaints that are clear bugs and can be reproduced) you need to leave, fix the bugs yourself, or shut the [censored] up. You're bringing nothing to the discussion and aren't even bothering to refute the problems with the product.

Best regards, not trying to start a flame war.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:59 pm

Yeah.. I don't mind bugs and glitches here and there, but when your game has been out for 2 weeks, and there is STILL a common bug which prevents completion of the MAIN QUEST with a very simple fix, and two patches later Bethesda hasn't bothered to do anything about it, people have a right to complain. I had very few problems with Morrowind and Oblivion, but I seem to have encountered almost ALL of the problems that people are talking about with Skyrim.

Some people may be overreacting, but there's really no excuse for such poor support.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:19 pm

Yeah.. I don't mind bugs and glitches here and there, but when your game has been out for 2 weeks, and there is STILL a common bug which prevents completion of the MAIN QUEST with a very simple fix, and two patches later Bethesda hasn't bothered to do anything about it, people have a right to complain. I had very few problems with Morrowind and Oblivion, but I seem to have encountered almost ALL of the problems that people are talking about with Skyrim.

Some people may be overreacting, but there's really no excuse for such poor support.

Absolutely. Agreed 100%.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:21 pm

Im sorry I had 10x more bug issues that literally destroyed my saves and quest lines in Oblivion then Skyrim. Truth be told i had 1 bug in skyrim and after tinkering with "tcl" and stairs I fixed it.
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:58 am

Of course I played other Beth games!
I understand that there will be bugs in a big game like this, but something that renders the game unplayable for the PS3? you know once your save file reaches 7MB the lag starts to set in, once it reaches 10MB lol your playing a slideshow. How can they not notice that during development? The 360 texture glitch?
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:39 pm

Daggerfall...when was that 1995?
Bugs...more bugs than a swamp in Mississippi in July.
We complained, but we learned how to live with and work around them.

Sixteen years later people are complaining about bugs in a Bethesda game.
"Nothing new under the sun."

I really like this game. I can't tell you how many times I had to restart Daggerfall because a bug killed the path I was on. Since these games are so open it is nigh impossible to reproduce all situations on all hardware.
My game wouldn't start after today's patch, so I emailed and then got smart enough to read these forums and found the verify cache suggestion.
Old times!

I remember a pal and I tried a competition of who could survive the greatest leap off of a roof in DaggerFall.
These games are superb. Here's to a good game, bugs and all!

Not everyone had computer or internet to complain back in the days.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:58 pm

Daggerfall...when was that 1995?
Bugs...more bugs than a swamp in Mississippi in July.
We complained, but we learned how to live with and work around them.

Sixteen years later people are complaining about bugs in a Bethesda game.
"Nothing new under the sun."

I really like this game. I can't tell you how many times I had to restart Daggerfall because a bug killed the path I was on. Since these games are so open it is nigh impossible to reproduce all situations on all hardware.
My game wouldn't start after today's patch, so I emailed and then got smart enough to read these forums and found the verify cache suggestion.
Old times!

I remember a pal and I tried a competition of who could survive the greatest leap off of a roof in DaggerFall.
These games are superb. Here's to a good game, bugs and all!

I have not played a Bethesda game before and the way things are going, I never will again. If we (the consumers) accept low standards, low standards will become the norm. My money is worth more then that.

I understand that bugs will always exist and will have to be dealt with, but this is not the way to deal with them. My main problem is the fact that the recommended setting for this game require 4GB of ram and in it's current state, it won't use more then two and Bethesda has so far refused to comment on the matter.
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