As for game of the year HAHA.. man when the community can fix SKYRIM as we see looking back in the past.. can fix something the DEVS can not. The ones that MADE the game. OP.... surf the net. DONT go asking here. Duh your going to get.. I never have any problems.. why they patched it.. no clue. Its runs perfect here and so on. Yet when searching we find 1-10? No thousands PS3/XBOX/PC users with tons of bugs and problems. And the patch haha what 50mb. This took them WEEKS to work on. How about vamps? You know the bug where you change back no head? HELLO? How about when the vamp vanishes and you just see EYES floating? HELLO?
No DON'T BUY it yet. Wait to see if these guys even care. Its 60 bucks.. alot for a console game that was awful ported to PC. DX9.. which came out 2002. But this is what CONSOLES use so this is what they used for PC.