Some of the old guys may remember me a bit, but i haven't been active for at last a year and a half. I had lost my 240 mod setup due to a HD crash, and i never felt like getting back to the game.
I've found the motivation again, and i slowly started to rebuild my setup again, with updated versions of everything, when available. (i do have some very old mods that are not even available for download anymore in my back-up lol)
So right now, i've got QTP3 Redimized, a couple of "better signs" texture mods, Detailed terrains Beta II, Koldorn's texture packs, Koldorn LOD noise replacer, RAEVWD (latest version, with LODgen), Kobu's character development mod, visually realistic lava, MOE - Main quest delayer ,ImpeREAL empire - Forts, UOP 3.20 + latest supplements and WAC (latest version too). I did a cleaning of pretty much everything with TES4Edit, and i still have this annoying problem. I did stumble on it once on my old setup but i don't remember what i did to get rid of it.
Those textures got a LOD feeling about it, but i don't know for sure. They are scattered a bit around Anvil and probably everywhere else as it is now. I didn't try to play with my load order yet, but WAC + components are loading last, and UOP is the first after the ESMs, followed by Kobu's, MOE M.Q.D, ImpeREAL forts, Lava mod. I did a bash patch for a couple of small tweak i wanted but nothing major in it yet.
Any ideas ?!