Patch 1.2 broke even more than the last patch. Bethesda trie

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:38 pm

Let me start by saying, I had to spend a good few days to get Skyrim even running properly. I had to modify the TESV.exe file to allow it to use more than 2GB of RAM, had to switch audio settings on my computer so that the game could even launch.
Then I had to start tweaking, searching the internet, downloading .dll files and adding new parameters in the SkyrimPrefs.txt and Skyrim.txt file just to get the game running better than 20fps and to top all that I had to MANUALLY give CPU priority for the game to even utilize more than 20% of my CPU.
THEN....I had to start installing third-party programs to force v-sync off and again tweaking the game files just so that my mouse movement in the game would be just...just a tiny bit playable.

First patch came and I was exited. Found out that it broke more than it fixed and it replaced the old TESV.exe with something that forces the game to just use at most 2GB of RAM, causing severe crashes. The game also became extremely unstable in other regards. Enemies started to teleport and spawn in random places.

Patch number two comes, I'm completely horrified. I fire up the game and same thing. TESV.exe is forced to use only 2GB of RAM at max, game crashes on launch. I manage to fix that, the game is completely unplayable. Mouse movement is completely messed up, keybindings won't change, menus are sluggish once again dragons flying backwards, resistances broken, crashes every 2 minutes, missing sounds....the list goes on.

The last game I will ever buy from Bethesda. I put up with this exact same stuff with Fallout 3, Fallout 3:NV, Oblivion and now with Skyrim. Enough is enough.

You win, I won't play your game. Too bad I was really liking the Skyrim story. There is a limit to what a man can take to play a game he likes, I've met mine :(
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:14 pm

Delete your skyrim.ini
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:10 am

You know, this post would have been complete if you started rambling on about how Morrowind was better (in some form). But since you didn't, i'm giving you low marks, sorry.

Sorry, forum practice generally dictates that if you're going to bash Skyrim/Bethesda, you have to big up Morrowind. Fail thread.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:50 pm

I have the ps3 version and since the patch not only do the frame rate drops continue and my save file keep getting extraordinarily bigger and bigger but now my game randomly freezes to the point that I have to shut down the console and restart it. very very very annoying! the really funny thing is is that I never once had and frame rate drops or freezing from Oblivion.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:29 pm

At least you can mod, what do i do on xbox when it goes [censored] up?
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:18 am

Please use the existing discussion topic to report any issues or provide feedback following the Patch 1.2:
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Chloe Mayo
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