help with jerky mouse movements

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:31 am

Hi all,

i have found the mouse aiming to be terrible for crysis 2! very jerky movements, almost impossible to use ironsight etc to get that head shot

have been doing research on the net, found this input command of i_mouse_smooth 1 which makes a good difference. I_mouse_2 is ideal but too much lag. I_accel 1 is too sensitive and lag still present if i_mouse_smooth 2 is used.

Can someone please help me correct this! i was thinking of connecting a game pad, but would prefer to use a mouse! any help would be greatly appreciated. Please note, that every other game i have tried is very smooth aiming
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P PoLlo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:04 am


I would get a gaming mouse (one with a high DPI) if you cant solve this by just lowering in game sensitivity. I use a Razer Mamba myself. In game sensitivity 1.5. Mouse DPI at 4500.
I′d say that when ever you feel that your aim is jerky, set down the sensitivity in game. Never us I_accel or I_mouse_smooth, and when you aim try to do it with your elbow (big movements with your arm).
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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