» Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:23 am
Can you please say what exactly did you delete in the registry, cuz i dont wanna delete something from the crysis 2 game only the sandbox 3 editor.
I found out that you can just edit the registry entry directly rather than resetting the whole editor.
The key is found in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crytek\Sandbox 3\Settings
And scroll down until you see the DWORD value named "UseRibbonUI", right click on that and click Edit, and change it from "1" to "0"
Restart the editor and you'll be fine after that.
Yes, this is indeed a bug. I've set mine UI to Black, looks good, but I just can't stand to see that motion blur type thing they have when you move your mouse. Also the text when opening/saving a file is white (in windows explorer)
I agree, the dark skin looks pretty darn good. The motion blur is a nice effect, but an option to turn it off would be very nice. I noticed the Windows Explorer text as well, and it appears only to happen when you currently have a file open, it could be intentional? I'm not sure.
Also, I've discovered two possible graphical bugs after Patch 1.9: http://i55.tinypic.com/2lbp283.png
Notice how in all 4 corners, there are black areas, and what's with the grain all throughout the image? It's like a faded out nanovision effect, and it all moves, it's quite annoying. Also, my performance is horrible after patch 1.9 as well.