The NIF FIle format

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:00 pm

Why does bethesda use the nif file format?

there are a lot better formats out there to pick from such as 3ds blender and many others.

there's no official nif modeling software. so people have to work 100 times harder to decrypt the file, and the developers have to write there own molding software.
that is extremely unprofessional. that be like every file hosting sights in the world creat there own zipping programs and people have to figure out how to open it.

Such as:

Sight 1 - .3zip
Sight 2 - .3zip
Sight 3 - .3zip
Sight 4 - .3zip

yes there all 3zip file format but there all difrent. You have to figure out for yourself who out o fthe 6+ billion programs to use on your own.

It be better if they just used a format owned by one company whos software will open the file nomatter what.
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